
Articles in Alphabetical Order: 2011

15 Ways to Bully-Proof Your Aspie 2011 Seminar on Aspergers: Transcript of the Quest... 30 "Key" Aspergers Traits 9-11 Tribute: Final Flight Paths and Sequence of E... A Behavior Modification Plan for Your Aspergers Ch... Adult Aspergers and Lack of Empathy Adult Aspergers Children Still Living With Mom & D... Adults With Aspergers: What Other Family Members N... Aggressiveness in Aspergers Children and Teens Air Travel with Aspergers Children: 25 Tips for Pa... Alternative Education for Aspergers Students An Official Diagnosis: How Important Is It? Anxiety Management in Aspergers Children: 25 Tips ... Anxiety-Free Haircuts for Aspergers Kids Articles in Alphabetical Order: 2010 Aspergers 101: The Basics Aspergers Adults and Fulfilling Relationships Aspergers Adults and Love Aspergers Adults and Relationship Difficulties Aspergers A

Integrating Young Adults with Asperger Syndrome with Typically Developing Peers

Integrating Young Adults with Asperger Syndrome with Typically Developing Peers: An Essential Step in the Transition to Independence Kyle Avery, Ramapo for Children For many young adults on the spectrum, especially those with Asperger Syndrome, comfortable interaction with typically developing peers is more a dream than a reality. Yet when they transition to college or the work force, the ability to socialize becomes a prerequisite for success. To grow their social and emotional skills, these young adults need safe opportunities to interact with typically developing peers. This is why Ramapo for Children’s Staff Assistant Experience provides an integrated, inclusive environment to help young adults with social, emotional, or learning challenges transition to independence. Roadblocks on the Path to Independence Regardless of challenges, all youth seek the same things: to learn, have friends, feel valued, and experience success. Once high school ends, the most comm