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Technology and Asperger's Children

"What specific technology is available to help the Aspergers student in school, especially one with gross/fine motor issues?"

Like most children, those with Asperger’s and High-Functioning Autism have a strong interest in computers and video technology. As a result, both computers and video recording should be integrated into the academic curriculum for a child with Asperger’s. The technology of computers and video recording will provide the student with a consistent form of learning, as well as being entertaining.

Computers- Computers now have hardware that can be adapted to the needs of a child with Asperger’s. These devices will help the child focus on computer-generated tasks, and they increase a child’s motor skills.

Computers with touch windows give the child the ability to navigate through a program with ease. In addition, the child can interact with a program without having to rely on a computer mouse. A touch screen decreases the hardware required to operate the computer, and the child can directly relate his or her actions to the action shown on the computer screen.

The standard computer keyboard can be replaced by an alternative keyboard known as Big Keys. This is a keyboard that has been designed for younger children, and each key is one-inch square. In addition, the letters are color coded to assist the child in finding a specific letter. For example, vowels and consonants are color coded separately. The Big Keys keyboard is produced by Greystone Digital, and their website can be accessed at

Video Technology- A child with Asperger’s will enjoy video technology due to the repetitive nature and predictability of video recording. Repeated viewing of a video results in learning a variety of skills and knowledge.

Video technology can teach writing skills (e.g., letters, words, sentences) as well as language comprehension skills (e.g., syntax, object names, shapes, sizes). Also, task-oriented behavior, such as closing a door or making a bed, can be taught with a step-by-step video demonstration.

It is important to note that the technology found in computers and video recording need to be tailored to an Asperger's child. Some of the basic concepts of the computer, such as typing and disc storage, might need to be slowly and patiently explained and demonstrated. In addition, a video camera needs to be focused and adjusted before use. A child with Asperger's will want to push buttons or turn lenses at random. Video recording needs to be taught very slowly so that the child acquires knowledge and mastery over the tasks and doesn’t experience frustration.

An Asperger's child is an individual and any learning experience must be individualized to meet the child’s needs. Using computer and video technology will contribute to independent functioning and decrease the child’s reliance on other people to complete a learning task. Above all, when teaching any child a step-by-step process, the adult must be patient with the child’s learning process and also be willing to explain the mistakes that a child might make while mastering a learning task.

Crisis Intervention Tips for Asperger's Children

"I know you talk about how 'prevention' is key when trying to deal with meltdowns in children with AS, but what about when the child is already full-swing into a meltdown? Is it just too late at that point to make any difference?"

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Highly Acclaimed Parenting Programs Offered by Online Parent Support, LLC:

Dual-Diagnosis in Children with Aspergers and High-Functioning Autism

"We have been to many professionals over the years to get help for our son. It seems as though each therapist or psychiatrist we see comes up with a different diagnosis. First, our son had ADHD ...then he had OCD ...then it was ODD it's Aspergers. Who are we to trust? Can he really have all of these disorders? Help!"

Click here for the answer...

How to Change Stubborn Thinking

"Once my son has an idea in his head, he won't budge. For example, somewhere he heard that looking into the sun will blind you (which is true). But he has taken this to a whole new level by refusing to go anywhere without his sunglasses. If he doesn't have them before we walk out the door -- it's meltdown city! I've told him countless times that as long as he isn't staring directly into the sun, he's not going to lose his eyesight. This discussion goes in one ear and out the other, and this is just one of dozens of examples. My question is: how do you change the mindset of a stubborn child who refuses to listen to reason?"

Click here for the answer to this question...

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Characteristics of Aspergers and High-Functioning Autism

Aspergers Checklist: Sensory Sensitivities

"Is it common for a child with Aspergers to be very picky about things, for example, will only eat certain foods ...will only wear certain clothes ...etc.?"

The short answer is 'yes'. What you're referring to here is called "sensory sensitivities," which refers to any abnormalities of the senses (i.e., sight, sound, smell, touch, or taste) a child with Aspergers or High-Functioning Autism may have. The Aspergers child generally has difficulty in at least one of these areas, though the degree will vary from person to person. Some children may have difficulty in multiple - or even all - areas. 

For example, the child may perceive ordinary sensations as unbearably intense, in which case he will begin to anticipate these experiences, feeling anxious well before the experience occurs. It will be very important to determine if the response is due to sensory or behavioral (learned) difficulties. Often a behavior may initially stem from sensory difficulties, but then becomes a learned behavior (habit). How you address the behavior will depend on which it is.

Here is a sensory sensitivity checklist (the Aspergers child will not usually have all of these traits):

1. Has difficulty in visual areas:
  • Engages in intense staring.
  • Avoids eye contact.
  • Stands too close to objects or people.
  • Displays discomfort/anxiety when looking at certain pictures (e.g., the child feels as if the visual experience is closing in on him).

2. Has difficulty in auditory areas:
  • Covers ears when certain sounds are made.
  • Displays extreme fear when unexpected noises occur.
  • Displays an inability to focus when surrounded by multiple sounds (e.g., shopping mall, airport, party).
  • Purposely withdraws to avoid noises.
  • Is fearful of the sounds particular objects make (e.g., vacuum, blender, DustBuster).

3. Has difficulty in olfactory areas:
  • Finds some smells so overpowering or unpleasant that he becomes nauseated.
  • Displays a strong olfactory memory.
  • Can recognize smells before others.
  • Needs to smell foods before eating them.
  • Needs to smell materials before using them.

4. Has difficulty in tactile areas:
  • Has difficulty when touched by others, even lightly (especially shoulders and head).
  • Displays anxiety when touched unexpectedly.
  • Complains of clothing feeling like sandpaper.
  • Has difficulty accepting new clothing (including for change of seasons).
  • Has difficulty with clothing seams or tags.
  • Does not respond to temperature appropriately.
  • Underreacts to pain.
  • Overreacts to pain.
  • Has difficulty using particular materials (e.g., glue, paint, clay).
  • Complains of a small amount of wetness (e.g., from the water fountain, a small spill).

5. Has difficulty in gustatory areas:
  • Makes limited food choices.
  • Will only tolerate foods of a particular texture or color.
  • Needs to touch foods before eating them.
  • Displays unusual chewing and swallowing behaviors.
  • Has rigidity issues tied in with limited food preferences (e.g., this is the food he always has, it is always this brand, and it is always prepared and presented in this way).
  • Cannot allow foods to touch each other on the plate.
  • Must eat each individual food in its entirety before the next.
  • Has an easily activated gag/vomit reflex.

6. Engages in self-stimulatory behaviors (e.g., rocking, hand movements, facial grimaces).

7. Is oversensitive to environmental stimulation (e.g., changes in light, sound, smell, location of objects).

8. Is undersensitive to environmental stimulation (e.g., changes in light, sound, smell, location of objects).


•    Anonymous said... Absolutely. It may not be for everything, but for certain things in particular. My son, will not wear jeans EVER and only wants to wear basketball-type shorts, but will eat almost anything. It just depends on the child.
•    Anonymous said... Being a parent of an Aspergers child, you need to always think outside the box when your child seems to react differently to things you wouldn't think would be a big deal.
•    Anonymous said... Describes my daughter's sensory issues perfectly
•    Anonymous said... Funny everyone says about the jeans.... Mine won't wear shorts! Even on a really hot day, he still wears jeans and he's super obsessed with minecraft and other electronic games but he's pretty good with eating almost any food.
•    Anonymous said... Mine will wear jeans but they absolutely must be of a certain weight and texture. Thankfully, her diet is varied enough to cover the bases and is relatively healthy. She definitely sticks to the same foods & brands!
•    Anonymous said... My son 9, always makes strange sounds when he eats! He doesn't like food touching & will only eat food prepared the same way eg: raw carrots. He is also obsessed with minecraft & is so precise with everything.
•    Anonymous said... my son absolutely refuses to use public washrooms
•    Anonymous said... My son can't wear any shirts w/ a tag. Has a hard time eating cold items foods.
•    Anonymous said... My son doesn't like jeans either, prefers to wear soft jogging bottoms, otherwise has to have his belt as tight as possible. He thinks they will fall down otherwise, even if the adjustable buttons inside are done up as tight as possible! Breakfast is worst time of day for us. He will only eat one thing for months on end until he hates it and then we have to find something else
•    Anonymous said... My son hates jeans..and has a very limited diet of "white foods" x
•    Anonymous said... My son would only wear soft shirts, no collars, hates buttons, no tags and must use only mechanical pencils. He likes baggy jeans but must have his belt pulled as tight as possible. When he was younger, he hated being dirty, hated loud sounds, hated things out of order, everything had a place...I thought in the beginning he was OCD. And food was always a big issues but that is getting better with age.
•    Anonymous said... Our sons are very similar in their texture sensitivities.
•    Anonymous said... So funny everyone seems to b mentioning jeans. Mine won't wear it either. He wears his school uniform everywhere. Since it is Dickies pants, I'm fine w that. I see the similarity in Dickies and jeans. But it's a huge difference to him. Food is a big issue w us. More comes off his list every year, but doesn't seem to replace it w anything healthy. He's 16 and still eats like a toddler. No casseroles, cause that mixes food, yet he loves pizza/hamburgers/tacos big time! We only fast food once a week. But he asks for it every day!
•    Anonymous said... That's too funny... My boy is 16 and that is all he will wear, i.e. jeans, but they can only be from a particular place and a particular brand. Let me tell you, only being able to shop at one place to buy him jeans has not been easy over the years. Just like Lori, mine is into all that "junk food" stuff, pizza, tacos, macaroni and cheese, pasta roni, etc., but, from what I hear, I have gotten lucky because he will at least try different things.
•    Anonymous said... Wow, I always thought we were the only anti-jeans home.
•    Anonymous said... Yes and then some. It's a challenge, but you must plan for it and/or around it; use everything you can to plan and to make the environment comfortable to your child. Prepare others in his world with the info they need to know as they meet and/or interact with your child.
•    Anonymous said... Yes and you will also find they can get obsessed about certain things and talk on that subject all day, my youngest is Thomas and Ninjago, 2 topics that have had to be band from the dinner table.
•    Anonymous said... Yes definitely, they are all different. My son won't wear jeans at all, completely refuses. They are "too tight" even if they are super light and big with a wide cotton waistband. One example of many. But he will eat anything- he's less orally sensitive though. There can be a hundred different sensitivities - an occupational therapist can test for those.
•    Anonymous said... Yes my 8 year old will never wear jeans either
•    Anonymous said... Yes strict routines, only wears certain clothes so make sure you buy lots of sizes in their choice, have a buffet style dinner so no foods touch each other etc
•    Anonymous said... yes, my son, 9, is bothered even by tagless underwear sometimes, and would not wear anything that would make a sound when he moves since he is hypersensitive to sounds. He is also hypersensitive to smells and would rarely eat while at school
•    Anonymous said... Yes. As they get older it changes a bit.
•    Anonymous said... Yes. Ritual and routine are very important. My son would melt down if he couldn't use a certain bathroom at home. He had to do things in a certain order before school with no variation. He is getting better now at calming if some break in routine is necessary.

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Aspergers and HFA Checklist: Cognitive Issues

"Can you help me understand how my child thinks? His rationale is quite confusing at times, and I find we are rarely on the same page with simple day-to-day issues." 

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Parenting Programs Offered by Online Parent Support:

==> How To Prevent Meltdowns and Tantrums In Children With High-Functioning Autism and Asperger's

==> Parenting System that Significantly Reduces Defiant Behavior in Teens with Aspergers and High-Functioning Autism

==> Teaching Social Skills and Emotion Management to Children and Teens with Asperger's and High-Functioning Autism

==> Parenting Children and Teens with High-Functioning Autism: Comprehensive Handbook 

Aspies in the Teenage Years: What the Future Holds

"I would like to know what to expect from a high functioning autistic child in the teenage years. My son was diagnosed 2 years ago. I know they say that they can suffer from this and that, but what is the long-term goal, what can we expect, what not to expect?"

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Parenting Programs Offered by Online Parent Support:

==> How To Prevent Meltdowns and Tantrums In Children With High-Functioning Autism and Asperger's

==> Parenting System that Significantly Reduces Defiant Behavior in Teens with Aspergers and High-Functioning Autism

==> Teaching Social Skills and Emotion Management to Children and Teens with Asperger's and High-Functioning Autism

==> Parenting Children and Teens with High-Functioning Autism: Comprehensive Handbook 

Aspergers Checklist: Motor Clumsiness

Motor Clumsiness: This refers to difficulties with motor functioning and planning. The Asperger individual can have difficulty with both gross and fine motor skills.

A. Difficulties with gross motor skills:
  1. An awkward gait when walking or running.
  2. Poor balance.
  3. Difficulty when throwing or catching a ball (appears afraid of the ball).
  4. Difficulty coordinating different extremities, motor planning (shoe tying, bike riding).
  5. Difficulty with motor imitation skills.
  6. Difficulty with rhythm copying.
  7. Difficulty with skipping.

B. Difficulties with fine motor skills:
  1. Difficulty with handwriting/cutting/coloring skills.
  2. An unusual pencil/pen grasp.
  3. Rushes through fine motor tasks.
  4. Difficulty applying sufficient pressure when writing, drawing, or coloring.
  5. Difficulty with independently seeing sequential steps to complete finished product.
  6. Frustration if writing samples are not perfectly identical to the presented model.

Aspergers Checklist: Narrow Range of Interests and Insistence on Set Routines

Narrow Range of Interests and Insistence on Set Routines

This refers to the Aspergers child’s rigidity, obsessions, perseverations, and need for structure/routine/order.

A. Rules are very important as the world is seen as black or white:
  1. Takes perfectionism to an extreme — one wrong answer is not tolerable, and the child must do things perfectly
  2. Has difficulty with any changes in the established routine
  3. Has a set routine for how activities are to be done
  4. Has rules for most activities, which must be followed (this can be extended to all involved)

B. The child has few interests, but those present are unusual and treated as obsessions:
  1. Patterns, routines, and rituals are evident and interfere with daily functioning (note: this is driven by the child’s anxiety; the world is confusing for her; she is unsure what to do and how to do it; if she can impose structure, she begins to have a feeling of control)
  2. Has developed narrow and specific interests; the interests tend to be atypical (note: this gives a feeling of competence and order; involvement with the area of special interest becomes all-consuming)
  3. Displays rigid behavior:
  • Has unusual fears
  • Has narrow food preferences
  • Carries a specific object
  • Plays games or completes activities in a repetitive manner or makes own rules for them
  • Insists on driving a specific route
  • Arranges toys/objects/furniture in a specific way
  • Is unable to accept environmental changes (e.g., must always go to the same restaurant, same vacation spot)
  • Is unable to change the way she has been taught to complete a task
  • Needs to be first in line, first selected, etc.
  • Erases over and over to make the letters just right
  • Colors with so much pressure the crayons break (e.g., in order to cover all the white)
  • Only sits in one specific chair or one specific location
  • Cannot extend the allotted time for an activity; activities must start and end at the times specified
  • Selects play choices/interests not commonly shared by others (e.g., electricity, weather, advanced computer skills, scores of various sporting events) but not interested in the actual play (note: this could also be true for music, movies, and books)
  • Has narrow clothing preferences
  • Feels need to complete projects in one sitting, has difficulty with projects completed over time

C. Failure to follow rules and routines results in behavioral difficulties. These can include:
  1. Anxiety
  2. Tantrums/meltdowns (e.g., crying, aggression, property destruction, screaming)
  3. Non-compliant behaviors
  4. Increase in perseverative/obsessive/rigid/ritualistic behaviors or preoccupation with area of special interest, engaging in nonsense talk
  5. Inability to prevent or lessen extreme behavioral reactions, inability to use coping or calming techniques
  6. Emotional responses out of proportion to the situation, emotional responses that are more intense and tend to be negative (e.g., glass half-empty)

Children with Aspergers and High-Functioning Autism have very few things that really interest them, but those interests are very important and may help them alleviate anxiety. They also cope better when there are set routines in their lives. Because change causes anxiety, Aspergers children will want to live by rigid rules that they construct for themselves. They want their own rules so that they can be the “king” or “ruler” -- and they have a difficult time understanding why society has a different set of rules.

Toilet Training Your Aspergers Child: Part I

"Any tips for toilet training my Aspergers son? It's not been going very well so far. Help!"

Even for the normal child, toilet training is often a difficult skill to master. But for the child with Aspergers or High-Functioning Autism, there are additional factors that may inhibit toilet training. The things that would encourage the average child may not be effective with the "Aspie."

Social motivation is a critical factor in determining "readiness" for toilet training. An Aspergers child may not be motivated by the opportunity to wear “big boy pants.” He may not understand what is expected of him. Following all the steps necessary for toilet training may be difficult for this child. Changes in his routine may also be a challenge.

An Aspergers child may not be aware of the need to use the toilet. The first step in toilet training will be to determine his level of readiness.


1. Establish a positive and meaningful routine around toileting, and collect data about your child's readiness for schedule training or for independent toileting.

2. Use a simple chart to collect the data needed about your child's readiness. On a routine basis, the child is taken to the bathroom for a "quick check" every 30 minutes, and data is recorded on each occasion.

3. Over a period of 1 or 2 weeks, patterns of data begin to emerge:
  • Is the child dry for significant periods of time?
  • Is there some regularity in his wetting/soiling?
  • Does the child show any indication that he/she is aware of being wet/soiled?
  • Does the child pause while wetting/soiling?

4. If the answer to all of these questions is no, then it may not be time to toilet train the child.

5. During this trial period, assess other aspects of the process of toilet training:
  • Is the child beginning to pick up on the routine involved?
  • Does the child have dressing skills?
  • Are there any fears associated with the process of toileting?
  • What is the child’s attention span?

It may be beneficial to develop a task analysis of the steps of toileting. This can provide a picture of all the skills needed and will also let you see where specific trouble areas may be. The task analysis can be very general or very specific, including everything from entering the bathroom, to flushing the toilet and leaving the bathroom.

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Toilet Training Your Aspergers Child: Part II

Physical Environment--

When beginning the toilet training of a child with Aspergers or High-Functioning Autism, you want to help the child learn that this set of behaviors (i.e., elimination) is associated with a particular place (i.e., the toilet). Moving all changing, cleaning, and toileting-related dressing to this setting helps the child realize the purpose of this room.

A second goal for creating clear physical structure to assist in toilet training is to create an environment that is secure and not over-stimulating. The child will be calmer and more responsive with good physical support for his body. Think about adding foot support, side rails, or other physical supports.Think also about the plumbing noises and echoes of many bathrooms. Many Aspergers children appreciate soft music playing or the addition of sound-absorbent materials.

Using Visual Supports--

For the Aspergers child, it may be helpful to provide pictures to demonstrate the sequence of events that occur surrounding toilet training. At the most basic level, a transition object may be used to let the child know that the toilet routine is beginning. An object that is associated with toileting may be given to the child to serve as the transition object that takes the child to the correct location.

Once the transition to the toilet area has been made, it is important to continue to visually support each step of the toileting routine. You will need to let the child know each step he is to accomplish, when the sequence will be finished, and what will happen when the sequence is finished. Again, using an object sequence, a picture sequence, or a written list are all ways to communicate this information to the child.

Trouble Shooting--

Once you have begun the process, you may notice areas that are more challenging. Below are some common problems and their solutions.

If you child resists sitting on the toilet:
  • allow him to sit on the toilet without removing clothes 
  • allow him to sit with the toilet covered (e.g., cardboard under the seat, gradually cutting larger hole, or towel under the seat, gradually removed)
  • use a potty seat on the floor rather than up high and take turns sitting
  • use a doll to model sitting on the toilet seat 
  • as he gradually begins to tolerate sitting, provide him with some entertainment (e.g., a sing-along)

If your child is afraid of flushing:
  • don't flush until there is something to flush
  • start flush with child away from toilet
  • give advance warning of flush
  • allow him to flush

If your child only wants to flush:
  • physically cover toilet handle to remove from sight 
  • give something else to hold and keep him busy
  • use visual sequence to show when to flush (e.g., after replacing clothing)
  • when time to flush, give child a sticker that matches a sticker on toilet handle

If your child plays in the water:
  • give him a toy as distraction 
  • use a padded lap desk while seated
  • cover the seat until ready to use
  • put a visual cue of where to stand

If your child plays with the toilet paper:
  • remove it 
  • roll out amount ahead of time
  • give visual cue for how much

If your child resists being cleaned:
  • try different materials (e.g., wet wipes, cloth, sponge) 
  • consider temperature of above material
  • take turns with doll

If your child has bad aim:
  • supply a "target" in the water, such as a Cheerio
  • supply larger target as toilet insert (e.g., contact papered or laminated cardboard with target drawn on it), gradually moved down
  • add food coloring in the water to draw attention

Aspergers Kids: Coping with Transitions at School

"According to the teacher, my child with Asperger's Syndrome tends to have a difficult time moving from one activity to the next (for example, from writing skills to Math problems to recreation time). Do you have any suggestions as to how his teacher can make these transitions less stressful for him?"

Click here for the answer...

Aspergers Kids and Temper Tantrums in Public

All parents have experienced the temper tantrum in the grocery store or the restaurant. While children with Aspergers and High-Functioning Autism may have tantrums that seem larger than life at times, they are still tantrums.

Highly Acclaimed Parenting Programs Offered by Online Parent Support, LLC:

Supplementation for Children on the Autism Spectrum: How important is it?

"Do you think supplements actually help children with Autism Spectrum Disorders?"

The short answer is 'yes'. Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) are especially prone to nutritional difficulties, and it is important that they take supplements to achieve a balanced nutritional state. 
But supplementation  takes some investigation to find the right vitamins and minerals for your child. Every child on the autism spectrum is different, and what works for one may not work for another.

The first step toward addressing supplementation for ASD children is to adopt a gluten and casein free diet. These proteins have been found to potentially worsen the symptoms of ASD. In fact, gluten and casein have been found to help the brain produce natural opiates, making foods that contain them practically addictive!

Another important step is the implementation of a balanced and healthy diet. Remember, ASD children are influenced by routines, so if a healthy diet is instituted early and followed, these children will likely adhere to it.

It is also important to have the input of a doctor to determine if your child is absorbing the proper amount of nutrients. Simple blood tests can determine nutrient levels, and from this data a diet can be successfully adjusted to address any shortfalls. "Defeat Autism Now" medical professionals are a good place to start because they have been especially trained to understand the challenges facing ASD children.

Here is a partial list of common supplements that ASD children are often lacking or simply do not have at optimum levels:
  • selenium
  • calcium
  • magnesium
  • zinc
  • folinic aci
  • vitamins C and E
  • essential fatty acid
  • taurine
  • various amino acids

When beginning a regiment of supplements, it is important to work them in slowly. It is equally important to document changes in behavior. Pay close attention to the effects of supplements on your child. Note any differences and prepare to discuss them with your doctor or nutritionist. In terms of positive and negative effects that can result from the use of supplements, and a change in diet – they will not be easy to miss.

Positive changes can include a reduction in the severity of behaviors. Many ASD children can show improvement in managing behaviors and social interaction. It is equally important to note regressions in behavior. If negative behaviors are observed, the supplement added should be reduced or eliminated.

For the most part, negotiating the diet and supplementation of an ASD child is a trial and error process - but well worth the effort. It is recommended that when first purchasing supplements, you start with small packages. Buying in bulk can save you money in the long run, but if you buy a ton of supplements that produce undesired results, you are stuck with useless products.

Should you chose to add supplements to your child’s diet, you will need to do so in a controlled manner. Don’t just dole out supplements on an experimental basis. Work with a doctor or a nutritionist to come up with a specific plan that is geared toward your child’s success. This regiment should include frequent tests for metal toxicity, stool analysis, and tests for various amino acids and peptides.

There is a lot to consider when choosing supplements for your child. This process is very important and can improve the overall quality of his/her life. However, don't rush into the process, and make sure you cover all the bases before proceeding. Also, give supplements time to work. Oftentimes, it takes at least two weeks for the body to accurately process nutrients and for you to see any changes in your child's behavior.
Resources for parents of children and teens on the autism spectrum:

==> Videos for Parents of Children and Teens with ASD

Parents' Comments:

Anonymous said...Yes for sure. My son has minimal signs of Aspergers and is functioning almost on the same level as his peers because of supplements and dietary changes.
Anonymous said...Sad to say not enough proof out there.However,if these foods are irritating a child's stomach,they will behave badly because they don't feel well.Then naturally the exclusion of them will make the child feel and behave differently.

Anonymous said...Preservatives can make any child hyper active so regardless of autism this will benefit many children. Our son can not eat processed cheese at all, he loses control. We have had almost no meltdowns etc since removing it from our fridge
Anonymous said...That has always been my suspicion of our D.S., - so we've had him on elimination for quite some time - just reintroducing certain things (very tricky) ~~~ however - I also hope to try some supplements for our entire family - our everyday diet & lifestyle needs a bit of a boost - so we'll try ~ & some will be (after much research) those which families like ours suggest!
    2 hours ago · Like
Anonymous said...I have used and seen others use high doses of omega 3 fish oils to improve function and decrease behaviors. I could not live with out it for my son.
Anonymous said...Yes we do both fish oil and melatonin as well as others. We had my son tested for food allergies and when he tested positive for 5, we eliminated all 5 as well as food dyes and fake colors then added supplements. Now he shows mainly signs of ADHD but not enough to medicate for. I dont think it will always work though but thank God it did for us.

Anonymous said...I took my son to a biochemical GP who did blood tests to check for deficiencies and heavy metals. My son has been on a pyrol primer which has zinc, iron and other little goodies in to help him remove the extremely high copper level he has. He is also on evening primrose oil, olive leaf extract, melatonin, and a pro biotic to keep the good stuff in his stomach for digestion. I use to have him on a heavy metal detox called merc sol which had an instant change in his learning, behaviour and general self. My son has Aspergers but I would recommend having tests done to see what your child is lacking or high in to know what your child may need. I think there are alot of gimmicks out there and people waste alot of money on these thinking they are going to be of benefit but do nothing. I would recommend people to only use natural chemicals we have in our body not any of these mixed up concoctions that are labelled to do something like restful sleep as too many other things get added with them. Melatonin for sleep works well because it is our natural sleep chemical in the brain, it tells is higher at night time in most people naturally.
    15 hours ago · Like
Amber said...We haven't went through an official diagnosis yet with our kiddo but everything points to him falling somewhere within the Autism Spectrum. Specifically I find that he fits almost everything I research about Asperger's. That being said, he tends to definitely have more health issues than my other 2 children. One big one is digestive issues. We tried the gluten free diet for him and didn't see much change in his well-being/behaviors but I have learned that being diligent about being sure he gets his daily probiotic is most beneficial for his digestive issues.
Amber said...Being diligent in seeing that our kiddo gets a probiotic has been very helpful.

Speech Therapy for Children on the Autism Spectrum

"My son often gets his words mixed up, and doesn't pronounce certain words properly. Do you think he would benefit from speech therapy?"

Communication depends on three factors: hearing, speaking, and understanding. Problems may occur if there's an abnormality in any of the areas. 
Usually, however, articulation issues account for 80 percent of speech delays in ASD kids. If your son has difficulty forming words and exhibits lazy tongue, lisp, baby talk, thick speech, or mumbled speech, then he may benefit from speech therapy.

Speech therapy can be an important part of a treatment plan for children with autism who are having difficulty with speech, who are minimally verbal, or in rare cases non-verbal. Speech therapy is more than just working out how to say the right words, though. It focuses on what the child wants or needs rather than simply on verbal communication.

Components of speech therapy include:
  • understanding body language
  • understanding tone of voice
  • using facial or manual gestures
  • understanding body orientation

Speech therapy can help parents, too. Moms and dads can learn to read their child's body language and facial expressions and will learn to connect those expressions to specific needs (some of this is picked up by the parent by chance and by exposure to the child).

If you suspect that your son may have a speech issue, ask your doctor for a referral to a speech pathologist. They will do an official evaluation and test him.  Areas of testing range from physical skills to vocabulary and grammar knowledge. Parents are usually told the results quite quickly, and a written report typically follows within a week. 

A good speech therapist can help your son make large gains. But you can help, too. Your son will probably be given a bit of “homework” (i.e., articulation exercises to practice with the parent each day).

Speech therapy can be taught at school or through an outpatient department of a hospital. Most children’s hospitals have good speech therapy departments that can work with both parents and children to maximize communication using the skills the child can work with.
Parents' comments:
Anonymous said...yes...I think any child that has speech issues would benefit from it, both of my boys went through it and it helped them! The more help the better I say :)
Anonymous said...YES! We started speech 2 weeks ago with my 5 y/o aspies and it I am already seeing a huge improvement!

Anonymous said...My son started speech therapy and that's how we found out he was an aspie. And his speech has very much improved!
Anonymous said...My son does speech therapy and we are concentrating on his understanding of language. It is a great benefit.

Resources for parents of children and teens on the autism spectrum:

==> Videos for Parents of Children and Teens with ASD

Aspergers and Sibling Relationships

Parenting in general can be overwhelming. Add Aspergers to the equation, and the job just got tougher! Taking care of a child with Aspergers or High-Functioning Autism can take up the vast majority of the parent's time and energy. From learning everything you can about the condition and what it entails various doctor and specialist appointments seeing about special accommodations both at home and at school, the list of things that must be done can seem endless.

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Highly Acclaimed Parenting Programs Offered by Online Parent Support, LLC:

The Importance of "Social Stories" for Children on the Autism Spectrum

"Why the emphasis on 'social stories' for autistic children ...and do they actually work?"

A social story that directly addresses the issue in question (e.g., getting along with friends) and is age appropriate can be a wonderful tool for teaching social skills and helping the child to comprehend the hidden social rules that most of us take for granted. For example, common sense manners like:
  • Be patient when waiting in line or when waiting to get in elevators, subways, cabs, etc.  
  • Engage people with genuinely good eye contact. 
  • If you are meeting someone for the first time and just coming off a cold, mention it and don’t shake their hand.
  •  If you get to the door first, hold it open.
  • Wait for people to finish their sentences and listen to what they are saying instead of waiting for your turn to speak. 
  • When someone compliments you, take it.
  •   and so on...

Children with ASD level 1, or High-Functioning Autism, struggle with social skills. The long held notion that these kids lack an interest in social interactions is often inaccurate. 
They do indeed desire social involvement, but lack the necessary skills to interact effectively. This lack of “know-how” can also lead to feelings of social anxiety in many children on the spectrum, which often results in the avoidance of social situations, and subsequently, the development of social skill deficits.

Children with ASD need to be taught social skills, and they need to understand what may happen in social situations so that they are prepared, and do not become overwhelmed or withdraw from social settings. Social stories provide these children a manner of improving their social skills and understanding what is expected of them in social situations. 
Social stories also provide some perspective on the thoughts, emotions, and behaviors of others. And because social stories occur in a discrete teaching situation without the stresses of the actual social situation, they give the child a chance to practice the skills often -- and in a safe environment.

Sleep Problems in Aspergers Children

Many children with Aspergers and High Functioning Autism have problems sleeping through the night, or getting to sleep. This is due in large part to sensory issues. Sensory dysfunction is typically an issue for Aspergers children. Many parents are forced to try medications, or natural supplements (e.g., melatonin) to try to regulate sleep patterns. These may be beneficial. Using sensory integration therapy can also be helpful so that the child can learn to regulate his or her activity level.

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Highly Acclaimed Parenting Programs Offered by Online Parent Support, LLC:

Shopping Trips with Your Aspergers Child

Shopping with any child can be extremely hectic and more than just a little bit difficult at times. Shopping places are filled with attention-grabbing advertisements that stimulate children even without the challenge of Aspergers or High-Functioning Autism. The last thing you want is to need to overpower a screaming child while trying to shop. 

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Highly Acclaimed Parenting Programs Offered by Online Parent Support, LLC:

Sexual Behaviors in Aspergers Children

Kids with Aspergers and High-Functioning Autism are sexual beings just as everyone else is. However, because of their inability to control all of their impulses, they may display behaviors that are inappropriate in public. This can be particularly difficult to deal with -- and of course it is embarrassing for parents.
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Highly Acclaimed Parenting Programs Offered by Online Parent Support, LLC:

Sensory Stimulation for Hyper Aspergers Kids

Many children with Aspergers and High-Functioning Autism who are also hyperactive benefit from sensory stimulation. Providing a sensory room or area can be very effective. Be as creative as you can when providing sensory stimulation for your child.

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Highly Acclaimed Parenting Programs Offered by Online Parent Support, LLC:

Crucial Strategies for Parents of Challenging Kids on the Autism Spectrum

    Resources for parents of children and teens on the autism spectrum :   ==> How to Prevent Meltdowns and Tantrums in Children ...