
Articles in Alphabetical Order: 2018

Articles in Alphabetical Order: 2018 1. "Autism Awareness" products for parents of high-fu... 2. "Rationale-Dependent" Thinking in Kids on the Auti... 3. "Structure-Dependent" Thinking in Kids with Asperg... 4. 16 Simple Ways to "Prevent" Meltdowns in Kids on t... 5. 30 Famous Autistic People in History 6. 5 Ways to Help Reduce Anxiety in Children with Asp... 7. A Message to All Teens and Young Adults with Asper... 8. A True Story of Bullying as Described by a Teen wi... 9. Academic Traits of Students on the Autism Spectrum... 10.                   Advantages and Disadvantages of Labeling Your Chil... 11.                   Affective Education: How to Teach Children on the ... 12.                   Affirmations to Combat Marital Stress Associated w... 13.                   Allowances versus Accommodations: How to Avoid a P... 14.                   Altered Disciplinary Methods for High-Functioning ... 15.  

When Your Older Teen with ASD is Anxious About Getting Ready for College

"It is time for my son [with ASD] to apply to some colleges. I can tell he is stressed about the application process and doesn’t want to think about it. Do you have any resources about helping an ASD teenager to apply to a college or any related suggestions? Currently I feel he is struggling about how to write the essay and meet the requirements. I know he has enough time to deal with the applications, but I want him to get started early. It would be greatly appreciated if you can share some resources or provide some suggestions." Below are some suggestions and strategies to help your son with ASD to "gear-up" for the college life: Helping Teens on the Autism Spectrum to Transition to College Helping Your Teen on the Spectrum to Prepare for Adulthood Succeeding in College with High-Functioning Autism  Tips for Young People on the Autism Spectrum Who Are Considering Attending College  Aspergers Teens and College Post High-School Education for Teen

How Parents Can Alleviate Fearfulness in Their Child on the Spectrum

"My 9 y.o. son [high functioning autistic] is under a ton of stress right now [I think mostly because of the coronavirus scare]... but there are numerous other things he tends to worry about too. How can we as his parents reduce his excessive and unrealistic fears?!" Many young people with ASD level 1, or High-Functioning Autism (HFA), will receive another diagnosis at some point in their development.   In one study, 70% of a sample of kids with an autism spectrum disorder (ages 10-14) had also been diagnosed with another disorder.  41% had been diagnosed with two or more additional disorders.  The most common types of additional diagnoses are those related to anxiety. Kids with HFA have more severe symptoms of phobias, motor/vocal tics, obsessions/compulsions, and social phobia than “typical” kids do.  Fear and anxiety makes it very difficult for young people on the spectrum to do everything from making friends to going school. And to further complicate matters, they

How CBD Gummies Can Help With Autism

Parents who are raising children with autism have a special kind of patience. Symptoms of autism spectrum disorders (ASD) are often pervasive, affecting every aspect of daily life, and emotional disorders begin to appear as children with ASD age. These painful differences are compounded by the social rejection that both child and parent experience as a result of being seen as “difficult.” Parents struggle to connect with their children who are sometimes described as being “somewhere else.” They understandably worry about their emotional well-being in addition to their safety, and solutions are few and far between. Treating the symptoms of an autism spectrum disorder requires a cocktail of medications that can have detrimental long term effects including extreme weight-gain, and side effects including tremors, anxiety, blurred vision, fever, confusion, abnormal heart rhythm, and the list goes on. Many parents believe that the effects of the medications are worse than the e