
Occupational Therapy for Younger Aspergers Children

One of the best resources for younger children with Aspergers and High-Functioning Autism is occupational therapy. Of the different types of therapy, occupational therapy is one of the more practical and easy to understand therapies a child can benefit from. Some Aspergers children lack basic skills, such as self-care, dressing themselves, eating skills and other life skills that occupational therapy can address. Often, occupational therapy uses play therapy and other kinds of skills to address areas involving fine motor and gross motor skills.

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Anonymous said...

Mine is 9 and I still bathe him, remind him to dress, comb his hair and take his vitamins. Good luck!

Anonymous said...

I also have these issues with my 10 yr old. Help him dress, brush his teeth,etc.. He still can't tie his shoes and we don't trust him wiping himself since he never does it right! Hope this gets better soon!

Anonymous said...

If you figure it out, please let me know! Mine is 11 and doesn't want to do anything for himself, doesn't even want to try. It's really frustrating!

Anonymous said...

Mine is 8. We just got fully potty trained. I still brush his teeth at night. Still wears shoes/no laces etc....if you have a good ABA therapist in your area give them a call. If you have an preschool program in your area that is inclusive sign him up. That will give you a break and he will have a visual model of other children doing those things which may make him want to do it as well. My boy is also high-functioning. Hang in there and do not give up.

Anonymous said...

Lots of good comments. My son is 8 and we go through these struggles as well. Things like lacing shoes, I have taken off a list of "things to work on". He has elastic laces. I am in charge of bathing him but give his choices about timing of the washing parts. He has sensory concerns with face cloths so he has a bath pouf! Skills will come. They usually take longer but progress is there. My son works well with a visual checklist of responsibilities
21 minutes ago via mobile · Like

Anonymous said...

My son is eight. I've never seen him be able to tie his shoes and therefore we give him the velcro shoes. He goes through phases. For a while he had terrible bathroom habits which seem to have stopped. For a while he was biting, which stopped, then it was something else.

Anonymous said...

Mine is 11.doesn't like to brush his teeth..so I use mouth rinses also the shoes stay tied do he just slips them on.also we keep showers on the same day if possible.very her

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