
Characteristics of Aspergers and High-Functioning Autism


Anonymous said...

This is so timely for me...thank you for posting this. We just had a meeting at my son's school and the "special needs professionals", ie. guidance counselor, special education teacher, school psychologist, are all in agreement that my 7 year old has Aspergers. We are still waiting on a formal diagnosis from a licensed professional, but the characteristics mentioned in this article definitely describe him.

Anonymous said...

there is a little bit to alot of each one of those paragraphs in my daughter. She's only 9 and I think things are going to get worse. I haven't had one doc test her or discuss with me her issues that have thought she is even close to being aspie but I see it everyday..... I am so frustrated.

Anonymous said...

Good article,this is the sort of info you want to print off and give to people who either don't believe you or can't grasp what you're trying to say about your child.

Unknown said...

I would love to hear more about the females with high functioning Aspergers .

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