
Calming Techniques for Aspergers Children

"How do you deal with an Aspergers child (age 5) who frequently has severe temper tantrums whenever she doesn't get her way, for example, can't play here favorite game 24/7?"

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Anonymous said...

keep regement going, dont give in. they learn that by giving a temper tantrum they eventually get what they want and if you let them keep doing it, the temper part.. they eventually wear down and get tired.. or sometimes use reward system, I will let you have this if you do this first. get your dirty clothes to the washer, pick up your room.. etc etc

Anonymous said...

My 5yr old has us under his thumb, I guess up to now we have found it easier to give in as his tantrums are soooo bad! I'm the 1st to say this hasn't worked :o( have on occasion said "if u do this/that ul get a treat" then the minute he gets the treat he's back to the tantrum with more force. At the end of our tether. Can't sit him on a step/in a corner he just gets up and throws things. Won't stay in his room, if forced he trashes it, and to get some headspace I've locked myself in my room in the past only he has kicked the door so hard it now won't close :o/

Anonymous said...

And when he's not having a tantrum he demands constant attention, can't leave the room without him following, and even then its constant "mum? Mum? Mum? mum? Mum? Mum? Mum?" Non stop all day. :o(

Anonymous said...

My 5yr old has us under his thumb, I guess up to now we have found it easier to give in as his tantrums are soooo bad! I'm the 1st to say this hasn't worked :o( have on occasion said "if u do this/that ul get a treat" then the minute he gets the treat he's back to the tantrum with more force. At the end of our tether. Can't sit him on a step/in a corner he just gets up and throws things. Won't stay in his room, if forced he trashes it, and to get some headspace I've locked myself in my room in the past only he has kicked the door so hard it now won't close :o/

Gerit1969 said...

my 12 year old demands hugs from me consistently. Sometimes 5 minutes within each other. Most of the time to show affection but other times he demands a hug as a way to get me to forgive him for something he was not supposed to do. I need some help here as this is extremely exhausting at times especially when he is having an emotional meltdown.

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