
What are the long term outcomes for people with Aspergers?

The long term outcomes for those with Aspergers and High Functioning Autism depends on the severity of their symptoms, their baseline IQ, their ability to communicate, and what kinds of interventions and support they receive. Those who come from supportive families, retain a reasonable sense of self-esteem, and become relatively well-educated, stand a good chance of getting into solid relationships, finding good jobs, and having a normal life.

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jean said...

my husband and grown children have aspergers,husband also has a.d.h.d.,but stayed in normal school,but failed exams due to poor concentration,his passion in life is transport and driving,so all his jobs involve this,he has neve3r been out of work and no depression,but still at 70 yrs old very manic and controlling,oldest daughter has a/s,a,d,h,d,plus serious mental health probs,has hi I Q but cant work,isolates herself,younger daughter very passive a/s with o,c,d,she works part time and raises her kids,so like every other family,it varies,but only ones who are happy are ones who made career out of thier obsession,

Anonymous said...

This is a great question. As a parent of a 21 year old can tell you they do grow up to be pretty amazing. He is able to do much more with continued support & coaching. This is an everyday topic of discussion amongst the parents & support program providers for young adults currently. We participated in a transitsion program specific to life skills & employment. This proved help significantly. Housing is now being a serious discussion as well between parents & providers. My hope is these initiatives will find the funding to support the young adult aspire community to foster greater independence. My son now drives, works part time & is motivated to be independent. However These supports I find to be necessary & ongoing.

Anonymous said...

Often I think that my personality would go over much better if I were rich. I don't do well with politics, I say what people are afraid to say, I don't get invited to social functions where deals and loyalties are made. I struggle daily with the interaction. I would never want my aspergers child to endure this for 20 plus years. Had I known I had aspergers, I would have stayed in a more technical field but even that would be hard because we aren't all innovators who can put thoughts to action. Most don't know how to turn the idea into steps. It's important that happiness and well being be the goal before "the ladder of success"....NASA engineer for 20 years.

Anonymous said...

Crystal ball anyone?I think the outcome depends on the imput .Simply stated in school some teachers get it some do not.Those who do get it deserve a crown those who do not get it miss a huge opportunity.The JOY is in the journey.

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