
Aspergers and Comorbid Conditions

Children with Aspergers and High-Functioning Autism are known to have several comorbid conditions. Comorbid conditions are those conditions or diseases that go along with having Aspergers. One of these conditions is known as ADHD or attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. Sometimes, these children can be misdiagnosed as only having the more common ADHD, with the Aspergers being missed.


Anonymous said...

Mine has several other dxs. Kinda makes it hard too.

Anonymous said...

Dylan has adhd and aspergers. Makes life even more interesting. The symptoms overlap. The concerta works to control the adhd but unfortunately there is no meds for the aspergers. So we just take everyday as it is.

Anonymous said...

Yes they go hand in hand, all neuro. We have ADHD, sensory processing disorder and PDD-NOS

Anonymous said...

Yes they go hand in hand, all neuro. We have ADHD, sensory processing disorder and PDD-NOS

Anonymous said...

Hello friends !!! I'm so excited to hear that other people live in my world, my son has are you ready???? ADHD, Epilepsy and Aspergers so we are a walking medicine cabinet, we take life one day at a time and alot of hills and mountains, please guys if you know of any more site please pass them on to me and friend me as well.

Anonymous said...

My daughter was just diagnosed with Asperger's and ADHD...She is turning 5 in a few months. She also has SPD. Seems like a lot of us are in the same boat.

Anonymous said...

my son has aspergers and ADHD.

Anonymous said...

My son is Aspergers with ADD and, now that he's started school, we've picked up dyslexia. He's such a star though and we just take each day as it comes :)

Anonymous said...

My foster (soon to be adopted) son has aspergers, adhd, ptsd, fas, and rad.... And we love him with all his little quirks :-)

Anonymous said...

I have been convinced that my son only had ADHD. Now doing a lot of research and talking with psychologists, it is clear my son is also asperger's. School has been telling me this for two years and I have flatly denied it. Unfortunately, taking some time to visit the school during recess hours and watching my son on the playground has convinced me otherwise.

Anonymous said...

My daughter has OCD ADHD anxiety and Aspergers --- fun times

Anonymous said...

Love my grandson with all his quirks he is a special wee boy ♥

Anonymous said...

My son Julian has adhd, aspergers traits and sensory issues.

Anonymous said...

My grandson was diagnosed with ADHD at age 5. However he never responded to meds. Finally three years ago a new evaluation by a different doctor showed he had High Functionly austism and aspergers.

Anonymous said...

I have been convinced my son only had adhd for the last two years and have completely denied the schools claims of autism. Now having seen his quirks out on the playground at school I am certain he is aspergers. Awaiting school evaluation but personal psychologist who doesn't dwell on "labels" says he has it.

Anonymous said...

My son's 10 and has been diagnosed with Aspergers, ADHD, dyslexia and moderate learning difficulties!

Anonymous said...

My daughter is going on 13, has Tourette syn and Aspergers's with a P.D.A (Pathological Demand Avoidance syn) profile

Anonymous said...

My daughter has been recently (finally) diagnosed w/ Aspergers. She has attention, anxiety and sensory processing issues as well. The meltdowns are fewer now that we understand how to help prevent them (and manage the meltdowns when we can't). We make accomodations for the tactile, sound and food issues with pretty good success now. We have to deal with others thinking that we are babying her but it's a small price to pay to keep our daughter healthy and happy. They never see the meltdowns so they don't know what it's like!
21 hours ago · Like · 1

Anonymous said...

My aspie is ADHD too...we've found that his ADHD medicine has really helped his Aspie symptoms (perseverating, eye contact)

Anonymous said...

my youngest son is a carbon copy of your daughter! and my oldest has Aspergers with ADHD, ODD, OCD and probably something else I have forgotten. SO yes, it's quite common

Anonymous said...

Well....I thought I was alone but alas...I am not! Oldest son is 12 years old with Asperger's, ADHD, OCD and ODD. Anyone else struggle with kids who adamantly refuse any treatment? Just getting him to take homeopathic meds is an absolute nightmare because of his anxiety and paranoia. I am a child psych major and I am at a loss. :/

Anonymous said...

My daughter has aspergers,ADHD,and anxiety disorder

Anonymous said...

My son has just been diagnosed with ADHD and Aspergers. Now his ADHD is under control the Aspergers is more obvious but the ADHD meds have really helped, far fewer meltdowns and less anxiety/sensory issues.

Anonymous said...

my husband has aspergers/a,d,h,d and o,c,d,,youngest child has aspergers and o,c,d, and oldest has aspergers and serious mental health problems,aspergers rarely comes alone,

Anonymous said...

What is sensory processing disorder?

Anonymous said...

my husband has aspergers/a,d,h,d and o,c,d,,youngest child has aspergers and o,c,d, and oldest has aspergers and serious mental health problems,aspergers rarely comes alone.

Anonymous said...

My son has sensory issues too.

tiffanyk said...

Three A's here. Asperger's ADHD and Auditory Processing Disorder so far...probably LD when he's older...

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