
Behavior Management for Aspergers Kids

Kids with Asperger’s have no greater permission to misbehave than "typical" kids. But, the way parents gain control over their other kids’ behavior will differ with an Aspergers child, mostly because of differences in how he/she thinks and how he/she perceives rewards and discipline.

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Anonymous said...

I treat both of our kids the same. If I know he's acting out in a way that he can't control because of the disorder, than I adjust appropriately. It's actually helped us discipline our non-aspergers child better because we try to keep the discipline the same so no one feels singled out.
11 minutes ago · Like · 1

Anonymous said...

Loss of computer time or wii time usually does help. Although not without the added tantrum over losing "said" item. Sometimes I give in which I know doesn't solve the problem. We are just learning of all of this and it makes a lot of sense looking over the last few years. (Our son is now 8).

Anonymous said...

I don't know, both my kids are different ages and therefore get different disciplines anyway. What's fair for one isn't fair for the other just because they are both so different. Both of my kids have different dynamics, but are both on the ASD spectrum... so there are concessions made for each child. I would venture to say that you should always discipline to the child, not in comparison. Example being that you cannot discipline a child who is 8 who has a mental capacity of a 5 yr old at the same way that you discipline a child who is normal functioning. You still have to make concession in order for the discipline to be effective.

Anonymous said...

I haven't read the replies but my tuppence worth is that I have the same expectations in terms of behaviour of both of my children but the way in which I reinforce them are different.

Anonymous said...

Each child is different and I think each child should be disciplined in a way that is effective for each child.

Unknown said...

I would like to learn more about praise falling flat as regards self esteem. I think this is key for teachers.

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