
Can Aspergers be inherited?

"Can Aspergers and high functioning autism be inherited? Our son was recently diagnosed, and now I am wondering if my husband has it too ...their behaviors are very similar."

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Anonymous said...

That is what the doctor's say.

Anonymous said...

my husband was only diagnosed after our daughter,its so common,our psychologist told us,we now think his brother and sister on spectrum too,all so alike,it answers so many questions,we have now access ed aspergers marriage councelling through RELATE U/K,,its helped to understand so much,our psychologist thinks it goes back at least 5 generations from family history,and we agree,

Anonymous said...

After life with my husband and step-son, nothing could convince me otherwise.

Anonymous said...

Autism can be seen in a hereditary breast cancer syndrome called Cowden Syndrome. Cowdens syndrome is very rare.

Anonymous said...

Husband diagnosed after son, I think we might all have a little. I know I have sensory processing issues. I am not diagnosed with anything.

Anonymous said...

I think my husband is in the spectrum. Had a lightbulb moment after my son was diagnosed. He thinks otherwise, but I am convinced....

Anonymous said...

I think my hubby and father-in-law are both on the spectrum but they won't agree. I think that is why my son and hubby argue so much also

Anonymous said...

my son is an high functioning autistic boy,my husband and myself were diagnosed with Aspergers ^^ so we are an autistic family ^^

Anonymous said...

My son was diagnosed first at age 7. Now we belive my husband has it, too, he's 41. They also argue so much it's like having 2 kids sometimes. Neither will back down when they think they're right.

Anonymous said...

It's the old Nature/urture argument again. Add that to the fact that psychiatry is a grand guessing game anyway and you really can see that all these labels are just that - names that help us deal with situations and perhaps get some resources badly needed. But even the so-called experts don't know what they're talking about, as in this article:
"In at least one case, two parents with Aspergers had a child that also had Aspergers but did not have a severe case of the disorder, nor did the child have autism."
Excuse me? He had Aspergers, which is officially on the Autism Spectrum, but he didn't have Autism...? Huh?? *shakes head*
19 hours ago · Like

Anonymous said...

I was diagosed 3 years ago. But i didnt unerstand how much it had been affecting me until after i got married.
Im finding i now have to relearn everything i ever thaught about myself and my emotions to understand where im going wrong in all my rellationships.
I dont know where it will all lead but i do bellieve i have asbergers.
Its not just a label to me.
Its important that we do understand what illneses we have and if naming a disorder asbergers and devoting a field of medicine to unerstanding it helps people like me then i accept the conciquences of being labled with asbergers.
My approch to this whole thing is to educate myself and others on the reallity of asbergers.
Allso i am trying to understand how "normal people think and rellate to each other.
If im going to improve my own rellationships i have to change my ways.
This is not imposible.
We all have the ability to understand more, learn new ways of behaving, then changing there ways.
Im getting the feeling that it wont be easy but i love my wife and i miss my friends.
iv lost so much in life since i was a kid because of the fact that i miss understood people and they miss understood me.
We are allso seeking marrage counselling with relate and i feel me and my wife are coping better allready.
I hope i figure this stuff out so we can have a fantastic life together.
And thats why its so important to me that i make this work.

Sorry if i went on a bit.
This is my 1st post to somthing like this. Im still not sure what to say.

tilly6932 said...

I am a 45 year old woman who has just found out that i have Aspergers and i was always called a weird little girl i have always had social phobia's, but going back a couple of years ago my nephew was the same as i was and i begged my sister to get him to see someone as i was scared he would not get a education as i didn't because i didn't but thankfully my sister did as i asked and he got a school place and was helped but his mum and dad do not have aspergers just me and my nephew so i guess it can be inherited from aunts and uncles

Unknown said...

My son has been diagnosed and it would explain alot in my life and the way was

Unknown said...

I suspected Aspergers in our baby at 4 months. It was shockingly obvious. He has continued to show the textbook signs. It was through him, both my husband and I were diagnosed. I am so relieved. For 36 years I have lived in misery, beating myself up for being "bad" or "stupid". To have it, and now diagnosed is such a freeing feeling. It wasn't my fault. And now that I know, we'll have access to the proper tools to help both baby and parents. I am happy we caught it early in our son. Unlike us, he will receive the help he needs early. Hopefully that means he won't have to hurt as bad as we did.

Truth is, I had a red flag during the pregnancy. Baby moved his body very little in the womb. Almost all he did was to constantly flap his left hand. It was a very specific feeling.

Unknown said...

Aspergers is not a disease though. It cannot be cured. That's what bothers me is people think we can change but I think the world should change however I do believe more scientific research needs to be done. I'm really curious about what factors can lead to aspergers seeing as I have it myself and I'm absolutely fascinated by DNA

Unknown said...

I found out a few months ago, my husband has Aspergers. We both have a son together who seems to be doing great, no sign of Aspergers. We want more children, but I do not want to get pregnant. I do not know if the next child will have the syndrome.

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