
Asperger’s Syndrome & Meltdowns: Guidelines for Parents & Teachers


Anonymous said...

thanks for the post

Anonymous said...

I enjoyed reading but, at 14 and bigger than me..I no longer can hold that meltdown...whats the next step..when redirect dose not work?

Anonymous said...

In a nutshell, the last four years have been an emotional roller-coaster. My husband and I adore our two sons, ages 10 and 6, both with ADHD, anxiety, and the youngest with Aspergers. My husband now believes, and I agree, that he must also be on the Spectrum.

Last night, three of us were in tears following meltdowns and tempers flaring. I have read many books on the boys struggles, taken them to therapists, they are medicated, and try to remain calm. In my opinion, the underlying problem is my husband's inability to parent differently to their needs. He's read nothing, rarely attends dr visits, yet announces during meltdowns that something needs to change in the house. He's suggested that we need to be more strict, spanking for backtalk or soap in mouth, rather than ignoring the bad and rewarding the good. I refuse, and I'm convinced it will only cause damage and not teach them WHY their behavior is inappropriate.

I should also mention that my husband is a loving dad, but has been preoccupied with his depression, diagnosed in January. He doesn't adapt to the boys changing emotions, and cannot see that he is JUST LIKE THEM. He has never good with change in his routine.

I'm feeling hopeless for a happy homelife...

Anonymous said...

Don't give up. I know it's hard. We had a meltdown just this morning. The depression and other issues my husband has makes him intolerant of our aspie son. It breaks a momma's heart...hang in there.

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