
Aspergers and Mixed State Bipolar Disorder

Bipolar Disorder’s Mixed State and Aspergers is often confused, but they are not one and the same. Certain features may coincide, but the two disorders can usually be differentiated on the ground that Aspergers kids are not interested in their friendship with peers, but children with bipolar disorder show interest in peer activities (although their aggressive impulses often render it useless).

Bipolar disorder is a comorbid condition found rarely in Aspergers, but when it is found, it makes the clinical condition of the child even more complicated. The Mixed Stage is the most dangerous and difficult stage of the bipolar disorder, and in combination with Aspergers, it becomes even more dangerous. It is not necessary that all children with Aspergers will also develop the bipolar mixed disorder, and neither is it vice versa, but it is present sometimes.

Bipolar Disorder, which may or may not co-exist with Aspergers, has the following symptoms and features:

• A condition which combines both mania and depression together to make the person feel tired, lethargic and anxious at the same time is called the Mixed State. Suicidal tendencies are the biggest danger involved with the individuals suffering from the Mixed State stage of the bipolar disorder, because the frustration and depression does not take away the energy necessary to commit suicide.

• Academic performance is seriously hampered by memory loss that might be caused due to a long term of untreated bipolar disorder. One may actually lose brain matter if the disorder is not met with proper treatment in time. Impulsive behavior and STM (short term memory) loss are the most common effects seen, for example, recollection of names and faces can be difficult.

• An advanced state of bipolar disorder causes insomnia or sleeplessness. A person suffering from bipolar disorder related insomnia may stay up for many a nights leading to poor performance in everything, and if stretched for a very long period, even psychosis.

• If someone reaches the extreme stage of mania, that is psychosis, he would require immediate hospitalization, especially if they are suffering from bipolar disorder as well, because their thoughts become both blurred and lunatic causing them to attempt suicide. The persons are often totally oblivious to their location and surroundings.

Following a routine to control your sleeping habits can be a step towards improvement. Also try out exercises you find appropriate for you, and do not under-eat or over-eat. Managing work if you are suffering from bipolar disorder can be hard, but taking breaks and keeping to regular hours can be really helpful. Try to avoid doing big jobs at once, rather set small tasks in front of you in order to reach your ultimate goal of finishing the big work. This helps in bringing the stress down and a sense of completion comes over you.

Individuals with bipolar disorder suffer from extremes of both happiness and depression. In order to control these, healthy lifestyle, proper medication and therapy from an experienced therapist can control the dangerous and hazardous problems that bipolar disorder gives rise to, therefore it is important to treat it early and properly.


Bipolar disorder said...

Bipolar disorder is a grave illness causing intense mood alterations ranging from feeling depressed to mania, can even contemplate to suicide. It is caused due to genetic predisposition, high-stress lifestyle, sleep deprivation, stress filled events in life etc. Symptoms are: feeling sad, lonely, helpless, and guilty etc. If anyone are suffering from it, should discuss with close ones, friends, so it will relieve one's pain, should take help from others to prevent it.

Unknown said...

I fit thas a 2 diagnoses absolutely. I'm going to take this up with my psych. Dr.

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