
Aspergers versus Autism: What’s the Difference?

Question I'm not sure I understand the difference between Aspergers and Autism. What exactly is the difference? Answer The lines are sometimes blurred when it comes to the similarities and differences between Aspergers and autism. While both are Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASDs), and while there are similarities that can be noted in autism and Aspergers, there are some significant differences too. Similarities between Autism and Aspergers— • both have trouble maintaining age appropriate relationships • both suffer from poor communication skills • children with autism and Aspergers alike may develop obsessions to a specific subject of interest • hyper or hyposensitivity to pain and touch is common in both disorders • poor eye contact is exhibited by both populations • problems with gross and fine motor skills can be noted in both groups • resistance to a change in routine is commonly found in both Aspergers and autism Differences between Autism and Aspergers

What To Do When Your Aspergers Child Doesn't Have Any Friends

Question My little guy does not have any friends. J___ will be 9 in Aug. He doesn't like sports, he's had a few rough experiences trying to fit in and play ball with his peers. He is not very coordinated i.e., he cannot ride a bike yet. He would be content riding a bike with training wheels - he is not AWARE that the other kids would make fun of him. He doesn't intuitively know what may trigger other children’s ridicule. My heart breaks for him. We went to the park the other day and he tried to play with 2 other boy's his age, one of them immediately told him to “shut up”. Kids are so cruel and notice “different” immediately. I have thought about home schooling him but I just don't think I have the patience (J___ is adopted …he is my stepdaughter’s biological child). My husband and I have raised him since he was 5 months old and for J___'s protection adopted him at age 3. At his request, after starting school, he calls us Mom and Dad. He loves to

How Parents Can Help Their Aspergers and HFA Teens

Parents with Aspergers and high-functioning autism face many problems that other parents don’t – and never will. But, take a deep breath and relax for a moment. There are some ways that parents can deal effectively with some common, everyday issues. Click here for the full article...

Aspergers/HFA Children and Literal Thinking

“My son with high functioning autism takes everything literally. I have to be careful to say exactly what I mean. For example, recently I was in a hurry and told him to ‘Step on it!’ – which utterly confused him. If I don’t keep conversations focused and simple, he’s lost. Plus, he only wants to talk about the 1 thing he is really interested in at the time.” Click here for the answer...

Summer Activities for Aspergers Children

Many Aspergers (high functioning autistic) kids have extreme difficulties with transitions. This can be a simple transition, such as moving from one activity to another, or a more significant transition like school letting out for the summer. When moms and dads plan ahead and schedule summer activities for their youngster, the transition out of school and into the less structured summer-time can be easier for all involved. The purpose of summer vacation should be to give kids the opportunity to explore new learning avenues. If you have an Aspergers child, two new learning opportunities that he can benefit from are (a) new activities and (b) new places. Being able to do a new activity or go into a new location - and feel comfortable - is a valuable skill that many Aspergers kids struggle with. Fortunately, during the summer months, you can go to new places earlier in the day when they are not as crowded, which should make the experience a lot easier for your child to deal with.

Oppositional Defiance in Kids on the Autism Spectrum

"My 8 y.o. has been diagnosed with autism (high functioning) recently, and before that was diagnosed with ODD. When we have behavior problems with him, it's hard to know if the particular 'misbehavior' is driven by autism or by ODD. How do we tell the difference, and how do we approach the multitude of behavior issues we are having with him? " Click here for the answer...

Popular Screening Tools for Aspergers and Autism

Question What kind of assessment tools do clinicians use when they are trying to determine whether or not a child or teen has Aspergers or Autism? Answer There are many (with new ones coming along all the time) …so I have listed the “most used” screening tools to date. These include: 1. Aspergers/High Functioning Autism (HFA) Screening Tools 2. Autism Screening Tools 3. Developmental and Behavioral Screening Tools Aspergers/HFA Screening Tools (4 years to adult) — Most Aspergers/HFA screening tools are designed for use with older kids, and are used to differentiate these disorders from other ASDs and/or other developmental disorders (e.g., mental retardation and language delays). These tools concentrate on social and behavioral impairment in kids four years of age and older (up to adulthood), who usually develop without significant language delay. Qualitatively, these tools are quite different from the early childhood screening tools, highlighting more social-conversa