
Raising Kids on the Spectrum: Dealing with Parental Stress

Of course, not all moms and dads of children with ASD level 1, or high functioning autism (HFA), are under stress, but many are. As one mother states, “You learn to live with a significant amount of stress and you throw yourself into your everyday job as a parent when you have a youngster with an Autism Spectrum Disorder. If you work outside the home, you work even harder - and you don't think much about taking care of yourself.
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Anonymous said...

I almost broke down crying in the T-Moblie store this afternoon. I couldnt get my grandchild to stop running around and making loud noises and I was so embarrassed. #exhaustedgrandmom

Anonymous said...

I work harder staying at home with my Asperger kid. I gave up my teaching career to homeschool him so I am responsible for everything from being his mom, teacher, etc. I am basically more tired than when I was in a classroom all day.

Anonymous said...

I've always said that it is amazing what you can get used to dealing with. Our son doesn't have meltdowns so thankfully we don't have that issue, but with my hubby in a wheelchair and our son with Asperger's I get told all the time how sorry people are for me and I don't see why. It is our "normal". Yes, I am stressed, but I don't even think about it until my heart starts racing. I have a family that loves me, and that is what helps the stress stay manageable.

Anonymous said...

I get stressed out when I have given my son instruction to do something and I have to keep telling him over and over and over. I finally came to the understanding that I have to watch him do what I have instructed him to make sure he does it. Getting ready for school in the mornings is just as stressful. I am learning day by day and pray for God to give the ME the patience and understanding that I need to help him. We just take one day at a time.

Anonymous said...

I feel the same way !! I'm now working towards a set structured schedule for him Im very frustrated as well. I also have two daughters that have wants n needs and between phone calls that vary from him having a social conflict or. Getting suspended for throwing office furniture at school , or him pacing at the house due to his boredom issues and lord knows with his low attention span its hard to find things for him to stay entertained!! I have no family support or someone to let him visit and get away for a while to allow me to spend quality time with my daughters. We are struggling financially and I can only hold a part time job due to his needs and high demand of my time .. Yeah Hon I totally understand about praying for patience & understanding you can't even plan things because their behavior is so unpredictable!! Hang in there .. They are apart of Gods plan . Best wishes

Anonymous said...

I'm trying to learn more effective ways to manage stress. For me I'm trying to figure out the best plan for helping him master his self help needs and learning more about social cues. I think learning I can't make it a perfect world for him I can only give him the best tools I can to navigate it has helped me.

Anonymous said...

Ok, if this couldn't have come at a more perfect time. I've been on the verge of my own meltdown here the last few days. On edge, typical behaviors rubbing me raw. My boyfriend finally put me in a time-out in the tub with bubbles & a glass of wine. Guess my sensory system needs a reboot.

Anonymous said...

I've reached overload ... I can't sleep I cry all the time I snap at the four year old all the time I can't concentrate my house is a mess i'm simply not coping. I have no support my daughter is 15 her father has gone he's never helped me and hasn't even seen or spoke to her for a year as he simply can't handle her. My mum was a great help but died four years ago. I've asked social services for help they said there is nothing. I don't know where to turn for advice or support. I'm very withdrawn so my friends have all given up on me too. Trying to fight the stress becomes stressful itself :(

Anonymous said...

I have been there and god did it take a lot to get back to reality. you must start socialising again god can that hour out with a friend help put things into perspective. My son is hard work and and has melt downs every other day I have 3 other children and it can usualy take oven an hour to get him calm. Trying to get my son to do anything is a task in its self. At the end of each day I go to bed sometimes crying but we must remind our self that tommorow is a new day with a new set of challenges. Get in contact with your friends and stop cutting your self off it won't help xxx

Anonymous said...

Been there twice, yes its hard to make time for yourself,house is always a mess, not being able to work, child only at school half a day ,tired all the time,disturbed sleep,frustrated trying to be everything and everyone,mums taxi to appointments, people judging your parenting and house and commenting they cant see a problem in your child etc etc etc. BUT YOU KNOW WHAT???? We are stronger than we give ourselves credit for, and I dont know about you all, but I feel much better knowing that we all have pretty much the same issues and THAT MAKES ME FEEL A BIT BETTER.......THAT WERE NOT ALONE....STAY STRONG AND TRY TO TAKE CARE OF YOURSELVES...GREETINGS FROM ADELAIDE< AUSTRALIA

Anonymous said...

For those of you that are in the UK, did you know that you have a legal right to respite? We only found this out after a long battle, we have been in the same situation as all of you above, and we still are at times, but now Social worker has finally put in respite of seven hours a week. It is a god send. We would have gone do lally without it! Fight for what you believe in, I know it's hard but it is worth the effort.xxxxxx

Anonymous said...

My wife and myself are going through a very difficult time with our daughter, she has cronic vocal tic disorder, adhd, and aspergers, i can relate to all of you, it is the most stressful time dealing with these issues, even though we understand our daughter cant help the way she is, it still makes you feel like your a bad parent, my wife and i regularlly fall out over things, i myself feel on the verge of a breakdown, there is some help by where we live, but not a great deal, we love our daughter very much, but need to have some space from her, but its not that easy as neither family offer to have her, and im not begging them for help, im a little relieved knowing its not just us that have these issues to deal with.

Anonymous said...

I live in lancashire,england, and recnetly found 'MOSAIC'...they offer respite as well as days out for childen with disabilities including autism and aspergers.....will find contact details and post them soon x

Raising Kids with Autism Spectrum Disorder: Parents' Grief and Guilt

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