
Reward System for Aspergers Children

Reward systems …do they work? We are trying to come up with some kind of reward system and what works??? Stickers? When he completes an assignment, he does not want to work at all, only on his terms.

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Anonymous said...

My daughter is just 12 and has Aspergers, but she is refusing to accept that she is special and has a different outlook on life and the world. I have had to take her out of school due to bullies, and she has become very aggressive when I try to talk to her about her condition. I also have Aspergers.

Anonymous said...

Hi Mark,

Thanks for the ebook it is very helpful to see that our sons behaviour is not so unusual after all, and that we are not alone in our struggles.

I feel more hopeful than I have for many years.

Our son is a bright AS 17 year old studying four A levels at a local 6th form college.

He works hard and is doing well at college after a tricky start in September. He has friends and likes to spend time with them.

At home it is a very different matter… he is all you describe in your book, in fact it seems to be based on him.

I have always put it down to the effort of trying to seem “normal” all day and we get the backlash and meltdowns at home.

Anonymous said...

my 7 year old son has ADHD and now we are discovering that he may also have aspergers syndrome. He has been refusing to do work in school in some subjects. Can anyone give me any advice on how to motivate him to do what he is asked to do.

Anonymous said...

At 6th grade now, we have never had success with reward systems, token economy, etc. Rewards and consequences have to be much more immediate for our Aspie: "When you finish (whatever), then you can...(whatever highly motivating thing will work for that child, sometimes just a little break, a special job, a chance to bounce, whatever)." just be sure to break it all down into realistic, Aspie-sized tasks. :) our Aspie can finish his homework in less than 10min if he gets to go for a bike ride after, as an example. Good luck!

Anonymous said...

go to HIGH SCORE HOUSE!!!!! It is awesome. NO rewards systems worked for my aspie until this one!!!

Anonymous said...

We have a range of Reward charts that have been very sucessful with ADHD and Autism children. They can be customized to your child's own needs too. We also have a 15% discount code that may be used.

Anonymous said...

The rewards definitely have to be immediate and sometimes it helps to give a choice as to what the child might receive as a reward or let them tell you what would motivate them. Every kid is motivated by something different.

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