
Aspergers: Inaccurate Stereotyping

"Is it fair to say that some people unfairly stereotype children and teenagers who have an autism spectrum disorder? It seems to me that society views this population as "trouble-makers" or mentally handicapped - and even dangerous (e.g., they get blamed for some school shootings), which is just plain ignorant in my opinion. What's your opinion please?"

Click here for my response...


Pepper said...

I have found the negative stereotyping to be so true - especially in more rural areas (in which I live & teach).
If there is knowledge at all on AS, then it's negative.
Thanks so much for this uplifting and informative post.

Anonymous said...

Hi Mark,

Thank you for being so kind. Below is a little blurb about who we are:

Altitude: Partnering with Families operates year-round programs for boys and girls with social cognitive challenges and their families in and around the San Francisco Bay Area.
We offer webinars, weekend family programs and summer sleep away camps for junior high and high school students.

Webinar: December 8th at 7:30 pm
"How to talk to your child about his or her Autism Spectrum Diagnosis"

Weekend Altitude: For the whole family! Friday, March 18 - Sunday, March 20th
Location: Camp Campbell, Boulder Creek, CA

Camp Altitude: Enroll your campers now! 1st Session: Sunday, July 10 - Saturday, July 23; 2nd Session: Sunday, July 24 - Saturday, Aug., 6th
Location: Notre Dame de Namur University, Belmont, CA (Near San Francisco Airport)

For more information about our programs and to enroll, visit www.altitudefamilies.com or call (408) 353-0377 and speak with Anna, Program Director.

Thanks again!
Anna Cozzi
Program Director, Altitude

Anonymous said...

Hi My daughter is 11 years old and has been diagnosed with aspergers recently and I am looking to find as much information as possible so I can finally understand my beautiful angel she had been diagnosed previously with ADD. She has a big and wonderful heart and I just want to give her the best start in life so she finally feels like she fits somewhere. Jo Edmondston

Anonymous said...

Thank you!

Anonymous said...

I have an interesting question. Is Asperger labeled as a disability? Are children with asperger's eligible under special education? The parent keeps telling us that none of us that work with her child, are not educated in this area of asperger's so we really dont know what we are doing? Help again. We are doing the best we can as a multidisciplinary team with his meltdowns and now are trying so many different things to have him do his work and the rewards system does not work for us here at school. What more can we do and i am so tempted to buy your book, maybe their are some of our answers in your book.

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