
I want to help my son with ASD to get employment...

I want to help my son with ASD to get employment in the field that he does well at, but there is no one out there who will give him a chance-Help! 
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Anonymous said...

I don't know what field he is looking for, but there are software companies that work with adults with Aspergers as their main employees. Apiritech near Chicago, IL is an example.


Anonymous said...

I have an almost 17 year old. She would do good working with animals - cleaning cages, feeding, walking. Haven't found anyone to give her a chance either.

Anonymous said...

maybe you daughter can volunteer at a shelter and get a resume that way. I am starting a janitorial service to employ my 19 year old son.

Anonymous said...

why is it so hard for people who have aspergers to get a good career or job? im still new to all of this sorry if this seems like a stupid question and comment. from the lil understanding that i have, its mainly a social problem. like not knowing how to say how they feel or what is exactly wrong.

Anonymous said...

The biggest issue facing aspergers in gaining employment is the social problem. They have to get through the interview process which many companies have an emotional component to it, many managers look for a personal connection which would be hard for an aspergers person to make. Even if the make it through that process, depending on the job they have to work with others, follow instructions and deal when jobs change with little notice. Then there are others who only want to work in whatever is their obesession and are not very flexible. There is a lot of challenges for them to find work. Many of the challenges they have in school translate to the work force.

Trish said...

I wish that I could find people in the UK talking about this. I found this post because i'm searching for people in our position - trying to help our ASpies get work. We've put every penny we've got and borrowed up to the max to set up a social enterprise and a business incubator. But we've gone as far as we can and we need supporters to help us roll this out. But blowed if we can't find anyone in the UK talking about this issue.

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