
The Benefits of a Sensory Room for Kids on the Autism Spectrum

The purpose of a sensory room is to waken your child's senses. Items in the room can include lights , sensory soft play objects , colors, sounds, and aromas - all within a safe environment that allows him or her to explore and interact without risk. The room also helps the child to calm down when needed - and can help those who have learning difficulties or sensory impairments learn to interact with the world around them, but in a safe environment. The child gets an unrestrained space where he can explore at his own leisure. It's most effective to create a schedule of when your child will be provided free time in this room. It's probably NOT best to give her free access to it. It's best to use the room at transition times to provide a smooth transition, or as a reward for meeting the expectations of parents and teachers. When creating your child's sensory room, be as creative as you can. There are many things you can purchase, but you can also mak

Tools to Develop Fine and Gross Motor Skills in Kids on the Spectrum

Most kids with Asperger’s and High-Functioning Autism have a history of delayed acquisition of motor skills (e.g., hand writing, pedaling a bike, tying shoe laces, catching a ball, opening jars, climbing monkey-bars, etc.), which is called “motor clumsiness.” These young people are often visibly awkward, exhibiting rigid gait patterns, odd posture, poor manipulative skills, and significant deficits in visual-motor coordination.  For those parents of kids that have trouble with fine motor skills (e.g., handwriting) as well as gross motor skills (e.g., balancing), here are our top 10 picks for items that will assist in this matter: Ring Toss Game - Kids Quoit Games - Improve Eye-Hand Coordination and Fine Motor Skills Hundreds of Developmentally Age-Appropriate Activities Designed to Improve Fine Motor Skills Helps children learn penmanship and bolsters creativity: trace practically anything! 30 Pegs for Learning Colors, Sorting Counting