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The Best Academic Curriculum for Homeschooling an Asperger's Child

“I need some advice on what academic curriculum would best fit a home-schooled child (6 y.o.) with Asperger syndrome. We had a bad year last year in regular school, and I’ve vowed to pull him out of the mainstream and start homeschooling after summer break. Please help!”

The curriculum content for a child with Asperger’s or High Functioning Autism should be decided based on long-term goals, so that the utility of each item is evaluated in terms of its long-term benefits for the child’s socialization skills, vocational potential, and quality of life.

Emphasis should be placed on skills that correspond to relative strengths for your child as well as skills that may be viewed as central for his future vocational life (e.g., writing skills, computer skills, science, etc.). If your child has an area of special interest that is not so unusual that it would prohibit him from using it for possible future employment, such an interest should be cultivated in a systematic fashion (e.g., library, computerized data bases, Internet, etc.).

Specific projects can be set as part of your child’s credit gathering, and specific mentorships (topic-related) can be established with individuals in the community. It is often useful to emphasize the utilization of computer resources, with a view to: (a) foster motivation in self-taught strategies of learning, including the use of online resources; (b) establish contact via email with other children who share some interests (a less threatening form of social contact); and (c) compensate for typical difficulties in grapho-motor skills.

A homeschool curriculum varies in cost, so the initial price may seem prohibitive. However, homeschooling is much less expensive than private school. There are ways to save money on books with other homeschooling families, where you can swap books that you are no longer using. If you are ready to begin this adventure with your child, find other moms and dads in your area that are homeschooling. They can be a great resource to help you get started.

Below are some resources that will help you in the initial stages of this venture (these can all be found on
  • Autism and Flexischooling: A Shared Classroom and Homeschooling Approach
  • Choosing Home: Deciding to Homeschool With Asperger's Syndrome
  • Homeschooling the Child with Asperger Syndrome: Real Help for Parents Anywhere and On Any Budget
  • Homeschooling the Child with Autism: Answers to the Top Questions Parents and Professionals Ask
  • How to Set Up a Work Area At Home for a Child with Autism


•    Anonymous said... A lot of families have success starting off with a school.
•    Anonymous said... do you live in Indiana. I was thinking about having my 14 yr old start Connections Academy.
•    Anonymous said... Does your district offer alternative schools, we have had great success
•    Anonymous said... I pulled my son out of public school and enrolled him in one of the free online public schools available in my state, Connections Academy. It's the same education without the stress of being around mean kids, loud noises, strict schedules, etc. I'm glad you are doing this for your son early on...I waited until 7th grade and I wish I would have done it sooner.
•    Anonymous said... Just schooling at home vs. brick and mortar has made a big difference for our kiddo. Considered a public school through K12 Inc..
•    Anonymous said... My 10 year old uses a mix of abeka, teaching textbooks, science fusion and mystery of history. He actually skipped 5th grade entirely.
•    Anonymous said... Read aloud together, go to museums, play games, watch movies. Let him be comfortable as much as possible. Let him find books that interest him from the library. He'll learn more than from a set curriculum.
•    Anonymous said... We did the same thing-cyber school through Connections Academy. It has been a huge success!
•    Anonymous said... We have used Switched On Schoolhouse for two years. It is a Christian based virtual learning program, all online. It has been wonderful for us.

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