
Helping Children with Autism to Transition to a New School

"We are going to be moving to a nearby town in a few weeks, and starting the first week in September, my son (with high functioning autism) will be attending a new school. The timing is not very good for this move as we had hoped to wait until he finished grade school at the current location. In any event, how can we make this transition without having major meltdowns and/or behavioral problems?"

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Anonymous said...

Visit the school several times before he plunges in full-time, so he can meet teachers, other students and get the lay of the land, so to speak. Hopefully, you'll be working closely with the Special Education department, with your IEP, transitioning as smoothly as possible from the old school to the new school with the groundwork in place to support your son. Settling him into a new routine and making things as familiar as possible as quickly as possible will help. Best wishes, that is a rough transition for everybody!

Anonymous said...

We found that creating a social story helped a lot. We incorporated pics of the old house, school etc and all the new. I use a powerpoint presentation. Having your childs involvement might be a bonus too. Its all anxiety and if you curb that it takes a great deal of stress away. Good luck.

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