
Dealing with Negative Emotions Associated with Parenting an Aspergers Child

No matter how much you do for - and with - your Aspergers or high-functioning autistic child, you're probably going to feel some guilt. No one knows what causes or cures this disorder, so anything you did could be at fault (according to some theorists), and anything you do could help. But guilt can be crippling...

Click here for the full article...

More resources for parents of children and teens with High-Functioning Autism and Asperger's:

==> How To Prevent Meltdowns and Tantrums In Children With High-Functioning Autism and Asperger's

==> Parenting System that Significantly Reduces Defiant Behavior in Teens with Aspergers and High-Functioning Autism

==> Launching Adult Children with Asperger's and High-Functioning Autism: Guide for Parents Who Want to Promote Self-Reliance

==> Teaching Social Skills and Emotion Management to Children and Teens with Asperger's and High-Functioning Autism

==> Parenting Children and Teens with High-Functioning Autism: Comprehensive Handbook

==> Unraveling The Mystery Behind Asperger's and High-Functioning Autism: Audio Book

==> Highly Effective Research-Based Parenting Strategies for Children with Asperger's and High-Functioning Autism


Anonymous said...

Samara Cooke and 7 others like this.

Karen Huffman Fifelski We are going through this right now...we go in next week for the results of my son's testing that was done last month.
I can honestly say that some days I handle it better than others...I am looking forward to the appt., if for no other reason that to actually KNOW what we are dealing with as opposed to speculating.
17 hours ago · Like · 1 person
Maree Tyrer I have went through the stage of blaming myself..maybe it was something i have done..
17 hours ago · Like
Kristi Conway Padilla
I get this article, I really do..Not because I don't love and cherish my Aspie kid but because I see what it's talking about in my husband's dealing with our son's dx. When I first heard his dx I went into "lets do what we have to do, deal with, learn about it, help him to be the BEST he can be." My husband is haveing more trouble. I see the guilt he has, he alternates between denial, blaming himself, and thinking if we just parent more stricter our son will grown out of it. We face it in our own way. But both of us love our son more than life itself. It's not the grieving of our child. Just the grieving of the struggle he'll deal with vs our other "normal" kids. I love my son for all the special, wonderful qualities he has. But I also love him for the frustrations, difficult qualities that force me to stop and take a new look at parenting and love. Thank you for this articel, it lets my husband know that it's o.k. what he's feeling. Thank you.
12 hours ago · Like
Parenting Aspergers Children - Support Group Thanks Kristi. This article is for parents just like your husband. Some - not all - really struggle with the diagnosis of Aspergers.
9 minutes ago · Like

Anonymous said...

I can totally identify with this article. It's a comfort to discover that all the emotions I have been having are "normal". And I have had ALL of these feelings - plus! Thanks for speaking the truth. Those who haven't struggled with "the diagnosis" seem to chastise me for having certain feelings. How unfair - and ignorant.

Anonymous said...

Maggie Petts
To annonymous, I do understand - I too, feel a sense of guilt for NOT feeling dismay at the diagnosis. I was truly relieved to discover why our lives had been in turmoil with our son. Everyone will have their own reactions as we all have different circumstances and cope with a broad spectrum of symptoms. It has helped us to move onwards and upwards. Definately no chastizing from me!!

23 hours ago · Like
Jessica Swift I have one son with Asperger's and one with PDD-NOS and both times I was relieved at the diagnosis. It was just nice to finally know why and to know that it wasn't my parenting or me imagining things. Sure sometimes I feel sad when I see something they will probably never do, but they are really awesome kids anyways!

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