
Aspergers Children and Amusement Parks: Avoiding Over-Stimulation

Your child may have enthusiastically anticipated the trip, but no youngster deliberately seeks the public embarrassment and humiliation of a meltdown near the exit to the roller-coaster ride because of improper planning or pacing. This “behavioral” communication is a last resort when all else has failed.

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==> Preventing Meltdowns and Tantrums in Kids on the Autism Spectrum


JEP said...

In reference to Item No. 21, I happen to use this one with my son on several occasions who is a high functioning aspie. However, he can not tolerate long lines because of the wait time (over an hour). He has never felt stigmatized nor has he recognized feeling different. He remains pretty much in-tune to himself at the moment and doesn't care what others think of him. I think most aspies are this way, i.e. into self. If anything, he probably feels pretty special that he gets through faster than everyone else and is pretty proud of himself and doesn't care how he does it. He has one mission in mind - get on the ride and get on it as fast as possible.

Anonymous said...

You can get a special needs pass that is like paying for a fast pass or other type of line skipping pass. This has really helped us and hope it helps others too. Just go to your guest services or customer service desk upon entry to the park or ask when you are paying for your pass for a special needs pass and they will direct you.

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