
What is the best therapy for a child with Aspergers?


What is the best therapy for a child with Aspergers?


Actually, there is no “best” therapy for Aspergers (High Functioning Autism). However, there are various standard courses of treatment. Each treatment modality addresses a different set of issues. When a youngster is first diagnosed with Aspergers, he may be referred for therapy. Aspergers, as you know, is not a condition that can be cured. It is a neuro-developmental condition that is treated with an individualized treatment plan that may include different therapies and medications. Here are some of the most common treatment options:

1. Cognitive-behavioral therapy is used to treat the emotional side of Aspergers (e.g., anxiety, depression, obsessions, etc.). This therapy helps form the connections between feelings, emotions, and behavior.

2. Occupational therapy is basically used to teach independence. Grasp, handwriting, social skills, and play skills are often included. This therapy may help your youngster learn to tie his shoes of zip his jacket.

3. Physical therapy addresses the physical awkwardness that sometimes comes with Aspergers. Awkward gait and lack of balance are common complaints. This therapy may help your youngster learn to kick a ball, walk up and down stairs, and ride a bicycle.

4. Sensory integration therapy may be included by the occupational therapist. Some occupational therapists are trained in sensory therapies and some are not. This therapy helps get your youngster’s sensory systems in synch.

5. Social skills training is a therapy that teaches kids with Aspergers how to relate to others, making and keeping friends, how to recognize social cues and gestures, and other details such as personal space and understanding slang.

6. Speech/language therapy covers speech articulation as well as pragmatics, or fluency. Language therapy covers social communication, and in some cases, social skills. Speech/language therapy will help your youngster learn to communicate verbally or nonverbally, if necessary, with the use of picture exchange and/or sign language.

7. Young kids are often treated with ABA therapy. Applied Behavioral Analysis is a form of therapy used to teach young kids basic skills in many different areas (e.g., can be used to teach young kids to make eye contact, to play with toys, and to identify shapes and colors).

Moms and dads need to fully support and participate in their youngster’s therapy. Aspergers therapies can be successfully performed by parents in the home with the proper support and training.  

Highly Acclaimed Parenting Programs Offered by Online Parent Support, LLC:

==> How To Prevent Meltdowns and Tantrums In Children With High-Functioning Autism and Asperger's

==> Parenting System that Significantly Reduces Defiant Behavior in Teens with Aspergers and High-Functioning Autism

==> Launching Adult Children with Asperger's and High-Functioning Autism: Guide for Parents Who Want to Promote Self-Reliance

==> Teaching Social Skills and Emotion Management to Children and Teens with Asperger's and High-Functioning Autism

==> Parenting Children and Teens with High-Functioning Autism: Comprehensive Handbook

==> Unraveling The Mystery Behind Asperger's and High-Functioning Autism: Audio Book

==> Highly Effective Research-Based Parenting Strategies for Children with Asperger's and High-Functioning Autism


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Anonymous said...

we have a 7 year old with aspergers and we have found two medications to be Very beneficial: Tenex, and Topamax. we have worked up to a dose of 2mg 3 times a day of tenex (we didn't start with that dose though), and we are now doing topamax 12.5mg 3 times a day. the tenex calms down the aggression, hitting, outbursts. the topamax improves politeness, empathy, sense of humor, and anxiety. both meds help with self control. benadryl at bedtime helps with sleep issues. Meds we have tried that have Failed include: ritalin, clonazepam, abilify, and depakote.

Anonymous said...

I must say I am astonished by the type and amount of medication you are administering to a SEVEN YEAR OLD CHILD. Benadryl is not a sleep aid. I am an adult with Asperger's and am glad my parents chose to work with me rather than try to sedate my undesirable behaviors out of me.

Anonymous said...

We have a 10.5 year old diagnosed with Aspergers, ADHD and anxiety by experts at a top university hospital specialized in ASD. We tried Celexa which helped our son go to school but he began aggressive behavior. We are now trying tenex.

Many parents DO chose to work with their children 24 HOURS A DAY, even choosing to quit their professions to be committed to their child 24 hours a day. Medication should be reviewed by parents and their child's physician--every child is different. However, medication may help in connection with behavioral therapy.

To "Anonymous"-It is easy to judge a person until you are in their situation. I would never judge anyone and my child's disorder has taught me this concept. You have no idea the complexity of Autistic Spectrum Disorder on any one person---EVERY PERSON IS UNIQUE WITH ASD.

Anonymous said...

I agree with trying to refraining from judging others with regard to using the aid of medications. Autism, sensory processing, Aspergers are all things that exist on a spectrum. Some folks have only a mild form others such a severe type that renders their functioning deeply impaired. Anything that can improve the quality of life for the person with aforementioned Dx is a worthwhile exploration.

Anonymous said...

Carol Morris
I am finding OT to be very helpful for my son. It isn't the whole piece - there is no one piece - but it's helping with his coordination, strength, and perhaps his sensory tolerance. What my son really cannot succeed without is his social skills training. It's expensive, but I wouldn't leave it up to the schools until you know enough to know what kind of curriculum is useful and whether they can offer it. My son didn't get dx'd until age 12, so we're behind the 8 ball but he is catching up slowly. But no therapy helped him much until he had enough social skills to at least have one friend come over occasionally; before that he was too depressed to care.
Sunday at 10:28pm · Like · 1 person
Rebecca Baca Thanks Carol! Lots of good info.
Sunday at 10:41pm · Like
Pamela Lowe Occupational therapy is wonderful, it also helps with self esteem when they are feeling like their accomplishments are getting better.
9 hours ago · Like

Unknown said...

Had to stop giving in to my 16 year old Mildly Autistic teen, Just the way the lady above stated it's not easy, but he's gained much more emotional control as a result. I tell him if he screams in Walmart he will go to jail... don't do it to us.

Mom on a journey said...

I have a kid with Aspergers and I see kids daily with Aspergers. Not all kids only have Aspergers and you should know no two with Aspergers are alike. So, don't assume the medication sedated her child and or is hurting her child. Maybe like many parents who have had to ask themselves about medication she concluded that her child is better of with a quality of life than to be angry and in trouble every two seconds. My son is 11 and on a low dose anxiety medication. (Just in case you are wondering. And I decided any amount of a happy life is better than constantly fighting the world. I thought about the now because our future is not guaranteed. It difinately is not guaranteed when we hate our life. Which is what he said daily.)

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