What are some good jobs for a high schooler with Asperger's who can't work with the general public, for example, can't work traditional retail jobs, etc.?

1. Babysitter
2. Building maintenance (e.g., painting, replacing light bulbs) in an apartment complex, hotel or office building
3. Corn detasseling
4. Elderly care
5. Finding insects and worms to sell to the local bait shop
6. Game tester (you get paid to play video games)
7. Handcrafts (e.g., wood carving, jewelry making, ceramics, etc.)
8. Janitor jobs (e.g., mopping, sweeping, cleaning)
9. Landscaping work
10. Lawn and garden work
11. Lawnmower repair
12. Life guard
13. Newspaper route delivering the local newspaper
14. Pet sitting/grooming
15. Plant care (e.g., watering plants in a large office building)
16. Pool cleaner
17. Pooper scooper
18. Refuse and recyclable materials collector
19. Re-shelving library books
20. Restocking shelves (e.g., grocery or department store)
21. Small appliance repair
22. Working as a farm hand (e.g., bailing hay)
23. Working in a recycling plant (e.g., sorting jobs)
24. Working in an animal shelter (e.g., cleaning cages)
25. Working in a warehouse (e.g., loading trucks, stacking boxes)
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Highly Acclaimed Parenting Programs Offered by Online Parent Support, LLC:
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==> Highly Effective Research-Based Parenting Strategies for Children with Asperger's and High-Functioning Autism
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