
Defiant, Oppositional Teens with Aspergers: Simple Parenting Techniques that Work Wonders

Parenting a defiant teenager with Aspergers or High Functioning Autism is tough (if you don’t how that is). Here are some quick tips to give parents some relief from the power struggles.

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Anonymous said...

Hi Mark, my son is 8 years old, diagnosed as high functioning autism aspergers syndrome. At present we are dealing with really bad anxiety, to the point where he cries most days, normally at bed time. He has a really low self esteem and has when he is reprimanded for something he at times says he wants to kill himself. Its really worrying me because he is only 8 and I can only imagine its going to get worse as he does become a teenager.

Anonymous said...

Dear Mark,

This could not have come at a better time! My 14 year old Aspie son and my husband butt heads quite a bit and my husband is of the old school that you will mind me and you will respect me because I am your father! So I sat down and read out loud your newsletter. I think it made some sense to my husband, hopefully! Thank you! I think as soon as payday comes I will down load your book on Aspie Teens!


Anonymous said...

I have a 17 year old grandson with Aspergers who seems to be in a very
bad situation right now. We are desperately trying to find some help
in this area. My daughter lives about 45 minutes west of Boston, MA.

Sean was diagnosed around the 3rd grade. He had all of the usual
symptons, i.e., he was a dinosaur, pokemon - any character that he
was into at the time. Always a very easy going boy, probably until he
hit high school & things started to change. We always felt he was on
the "lighter" end of Aspergers. He did play baseball in jr. high, and
has run track thru high school..

Things have changed and this past year has definitely been the worst.
He first started to sneak out of the house at night (usually because
of a girlfriend) and hang out all night. The lying and attitude
really started. Also got into a lot of smoking pot. It's been on
thing after another.

He now has a different girlfriend and started doing the same things.
Defiant, beligerant, just plain rude. He does not want to follow any
rules, thinks he should be able to do what he wants and come and go as
he pleases. Last week was just brutal.

As of Monday things calmed down a bit and after a phone call with his
mother he came back home. Also said to her," I love you Mom', which
I'm not sure if he's ever said on his own. They talked for several
hours & really felt that they were back on the right track.

Last nite, came home past curfew with a lip piercing and a totally new
attitude, again, that he could do whatever he wanted. They talked and
got nowhere and in the end he told her that he had no respect for her!

My daughter & her husband really feel they are in a desperate
situation. She called his councilor who has still not called them
back. Would you have any advice of what to do or supply us with some
people in this area that really specialize in Aspergers? They really
need some help,

Anonymous said...

This is better advice than was given when I was a teenager and Autism was so litlte understood. thanks for your guidelines.

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