
Helping Students with Aspergers and HFA: Snapshot for Teachers

Children with Asperger's and high-functioning autism will respond quite well to specific classroom adaptations. Here are the recommended methods teachers can employ with their "special needs" students...
==> CLICK HERE for full article...


Anonymous said...

Thanks. I will pass this on. I know that the school (e.g., counselors, teachers, psychologist) are sick of me, but this is for the kids coming behind my daughter. My daughter will be leaving and going to high school next year (talking proper placement now with the county) and I am sure they are ecstatic. However, I have found the staff to be rigid, clueless and downright rude to me. They just don't understand. They think because Amina is bright that she can do things easily. Thanks for this information.

Anonymous said...

I am an educator and the mom of an Aspie. In April, for "Autism Awareness", I have received permission from my principal to talk to the staff at my school about Aspies in the classroom -- this article will be perfect! Thank you!

Anonymous said...

how can i get this article to my daughters teacher without offending her. The teacher is having a difficult time with my daughters behavior and I do believe it is due to the teacher, because she has never taught pre-k children who have an IEP . any advice would help

Anonymous said...

If it were me, I would print a few & say you found this interesting & you thought some of the teachers would too :)

Anonymous said...

Printing :) so as not to offend any one individual copies for all the teachers involved in the childs day from gym to librarian as not eveyone is equally trained....can be a king blanket of shared information at the beginning of the year with the new "team" ;)

liz said...

This is all great stuff .. but try getting teachers to take the time ... they don't. I find myself constantly defending why my aspie son does what he does and all i get is ''we know he can do it '' ... well yeah i am sure he can if you put it forth differently ! But again ... they dont... I am so sick of hearing the same things over and over . Its like what word dont you understand ...the doctors diagnosis is Aspergers ,look it up ,research it ..its not just a behavioral thing ..there are reasons as to why they do what they do .

liz said...

this is all great advice and things to do but try getting the public schools and teachers to go the xtra mile with these kids ,they wont .

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