
The "Out-of-Control" Child on the Autism Spectrum

Moms and dads often ask how to deal with and help the high functioning autistic youngster that seems to be out of control. How do you control or manage the kid that intimidates, hits, punches and seems to enjoy torturing their siblings? What do you do with the kid that argues, is defiant, and refuses to participate or follow directions can be difficult to live with and can create disharmony within the household?

CLICK HERE for the full article...


Anonymous said...

Thank you for this article, very informative. The article refers to those around a child with the disorder & how frustrating it can be.

J Zenel said...

I also want to say thank you for this article. It took us a long time to get accurate diagnoses (several including PDD), a long time to build a complete team around our son, and a long time to build a supportive routine for all of us. By this article, we are doing all the right things, and the best that we can. Thank you for your ongoing educational articles, and to families new to this, hang in there, and acknowledge how wonderful your child is and how lucky they are to have you.

J Zenel said...

I also want to thank you for this article. It took us a long time to get accurate diagnoses (several, including PDD), a long time to build a good team, with several treatment strategies, a long time to establish a support network and routine to keep this family healthy. By this article, we are doing all the right things, and the best that we can. Thanks for your ongoing support and educational articles, and to those families that are new to this, hang in there, believe in your child, yourself, and know that they are lucky to have you.

Erin McDowell said...

Thank you for sharing this article. Although there are no quick fixes or even easy answers, especially with Autism...reading your article reminded me (in the 13 year stage & in that rough season again)...I am doing so much more than I give myself credit for. I have attempted to address & revisit each of these very pertinent issues. And although still working on my own temper...am so much more consistent & on the right track now than ever in the past...even when we seem to be stuck or regressing.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for sharing this article. It's really hard when you're in a relationship where the person you love has a child with Asperger. It helps me to know that there are ways effective ways to deal with a misbehaving child that has Asperger. While there is no easy way to fix things there is hope. I love my boy friend and I love his son. His son and I have some great times together when I watch him but I do notice that the way he behaves with me is very different with his dad. I would love to learn more, are there any resources besides support groups where I can educate myself more? Maybe classes in my area?

Raising Kids with Autism Spectrum Disorder: Parents' Grief and Guilt

Some parents grieve for the loss of the youngster they   imagined  they had. Moms and dads have their own particular way of dealing with the...