
Teaching The HFA Mind

"I’d love to see some information about how to teach in a way that a high functioning autistic mind will absorb, particularly rote facts such as math measurements and such. I’d also love more information about teaching basic social skills, manners, and social graces."

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Anonymous said...

One thing that would be great a place where parents could put their kids age/gender and area...and match kids up in their area. Aspies have a very hard time making friends except with "like minded" kids. Setting up "play dates" would be a great resource for these kids.

Anonymous said...

I totally agree with you. My son now has a great group of friends, most of whom are aspies, but it took a loooong time for him to find friends.

Anonymous said...

My son plays very well with Aspie kids I think they understand each other very well. When he plays with other kids which is very rare they pick on him or they have him do things that they know you can get in trouble for. When he does these things he thinks these kids are his best friend and doesn't understand why they would try to get him in trouble.

Anonymous said...

We are going through the same thing. My son has friends but then the play dates don't always go the way they were planned. Hopefully after the testing is done we can get some more support and build more social skills.

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