
Sensory Stimulation for Hyper Aspergers Kids

Many children with Aspergers and High-Functioning Autism who are also hyperactive benefit from sensory stimulation. Providing a sensory room or area can be very effective. Be as creative as you can when providing sensory stimulation for your child.

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Anonymous said...

Aspergers and ADHD - same diagnosis as my son. But he's on Ritalin XR (extended release), so although he does have a lot of energy, he's not super-hyper either.

Anonymous said...

I recently read an article about fermented cod liver oil and the benefits for kids with ASHD and Asperger's...Im going to look into it for my own son.

Anonymous said...

I am diagnosed with Asperger's Syndrome and what helps me is go to a quiet room and breathe in and breathe out a couple times and count to 20 and do my favorite activitiy like for example read or word search book!

Anonymous said...

We give our son Mega Red krill oil capsules for his Aniexty & Kroger brand Bone supplement for Hearinf sensitivity. I recently found Adult chewables of both at Walgreens. Bone support must contain Magnesium, Zinc & Calcium. Give daily we've noticed a Huge difference. He's not at jumpy, etc
about an hour ago via mobile · Like

Anonymous said...

My son just starting doing cross country, middle school. He found on his own last summer he felt better when he runs. Now he runs some all day. Now, he is becoming part if the school team & finally feels as if he fits somewhere. I started noticing a difference after just a few days of camp but didn't want to say anything just yet. Then yesterday in the car on the way home from an unusually calm trip to the store, he calmly told me, "Mom, I feel really calm today". I think it is the release of energy with the combination of the outdoors. The team runs in a park with a lot of trails in the woods.

Anonymous said...

You sound like you know yourself very well - That's a great thing! I hope my 6 year old starts to better understand that kind of thing - it Sure Works for him - but it will be a while for it to be more self-directed - he's only 6 ~~~ however - we're considering other natural supplements & lots more of the types of physical input that balances it.... I hope there will be more responses - I really gain a lot from threads like these - - - will read the linked article tonight!

Anonymous said...

You sound like you know yourself very well - That's a great thing! I hope my 6 year old starts to better understand that kind of thing - it Sure Works for him - but it will be a while for it to be more self-directed - he's only 6 ~~~ however - we're considering other natural supplements & lots more of the types of physical input that balances it.... I hope there will be more responses - I really gain a lot from threads like these - - - will read the linked article tonight!

Anonymous said...

Both my boys have aspergers and all the other diagnosis that go along with it, we have so many calm down strategies because what works one day won't work the next. We are currently involved in a university study on the effects of green lipped muscle extract, one boy takes it and the other has the placebo and i can tell you it certainly has made a difference in the one that is taking it, not a miracle cure, but has certainly made his behaviour more tolerable by all around him

Anonymous said...

I love all children especially children with Asperger's Syndrome ADHD and Down Syndrome and other disabilities! Nobody knows your better than you! You know what is best for your son and as he grows up more he will learn! :)

Nobody knows your son better than you! Different things work for different children!

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