
Dual-Diagnosis in Children with Aspergers and High-Functioning Autism

"We have been to many professionals over the years to get help for our son. It seems as though each therapist or psychiatrist we see comes up with a different diagnosis. First, our son had ADHD ...then he had OCD ...then it was ODD ...now it's Aspergers. Who are we to trust? Can he really have all of these disorders? Help!"

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Anonymous said...

My child, Kaily is 11 years old and although she has seen many doctors about her symptoms, she has not officially been diagnosed with Aspergers. We started to have her tested over the summer but after spending $250. per appointment and with at least 5 more appts. before they could diagnose anything. They are out of network with our insurance co. We really believe she has Aspergers. Kaily is in the sixth grade and having a difficult time with socialization and organizational skills. Kailys homeowrk is a difficult tiem because she doesn't get the right papers or workbooks home. Kaily currently has an IEP with school but I wonder if she needs more. The question is,? Can we get any help for Kaily without a proper diagnosis????? If not, how do we get a diagnosis???

Anonymous said...

Its funny because its been the same road for us. First ADHD, OCD, PDD, now Asbergers. His a pain but I treat my son individually. Its a pain now Im looking for middle schools that will be able to handle him. Its hard to find schools that focus on academics and behavioral equally.

Anonymous said...

My son is 4 & he was diagnosed with all right away. I have learned from blogs, groups, etc....that each child is different. I do believe my son has all of these traits. I hope some, he grows out of.......thank God Vance goes to an awesome school & it goes all the way to 12th grade. I hope he, one day, gets into a mainstream school, if not, I am thankful he will be safe where he is & treated as a child.........

Anonymous said...

I think that if a child has an ASD those other diagnoses are all a part of it. A child who has autism needs structure and routine so they may appear to have OCD, they cannot process information very fast so they are off to the next thing, making them seem to have ADHD. That's how I see it anyway!

Anonymous said...

Aspergers kids have alot of disorders,my son has OCD,Anxiety etc.
59 minutes ago · Like

Anonymous said...

"I read in a book (It might have been Tony Attwood's) that it is typical for kids to get ADHD, SPD, OCD, (and even Tourette's) dxs finally being diagnosed with AS. The other conditions are common co-morbid conditions (and my 8 year old has all of them)."

Anonymous said...

with kids who have HFA ( high functioning Aspergers) the commonality is that usually there are other diagnosis such as OCD. My son also has OCD traits. like everything has to run on clock work timing. so we literally have to leave the house upon driving to school each day at the exact same time. If we don't then his Anxiety levels go through the roof. he's repetitive, and these are similar traits to OCD..although my son does not have an OCD diagnosis, you can see how they get extra diagnosis from the paediatrician. My son is almost 13, and suffers anxiety, depression, he self harms and has suicidal thoughts. The psychologist has told me that these things come hand in hand with Aspergers children. He was diagnosed 3 years ago. he's also about to start high school (we live in Australia) and so he's now become very agitated at the thought that he's about to leave the school he's been at for the past 7 years. his primary school has been his comfort and now its all about to change and he's becoming more and more anxious at that thought. Just last week he kicked a cupboard in at school and threw a table across the room. he wouldn't tell any of the teachers why he did it, but when i asked he told me it was because his teacher wanted to talk about high school with his class.....obviously this didn't go down to well at all....

Anonymous said...

this statement said it all yes I have been doing this for 8 yrs now heard it all first adhd then ocd now aspergers. Really aspergers is a relief to know that I finally found things that make sense to me!

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