
Aspergers and HFA Checklist: Cognitive Issues

"Can you help me understand how my child thinks? His rationale is quite confusing at times, and I find we are rarely on the same page with simple day-to-day issues." 

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Parenting Programs Offered by Online Parent Support:

==> How To Prevent Meltdowns and Tantrums In Children With High-Functioning Autism and Asperger's

==> Parenting System that Significantly Reduces Defiant Behavior in Teens with Aspergers and High-Functioning Autism

==> Teaching Social Skills and Emotion Management to Children and Teens with Asperger's and High-Functioning Autism

==> Parenting Children and Teens with High-Functioning Autism: Comprehensive Handbook 


Anonymous said...

in my own experience, for me, being wrong is very easy so I never worried about being wrong, rather I would innocently test to see how my parents reacted to me being wrong - i craved emotional support and wether i was wrong on purpose or not it was always a way for me to see if my parents would talk with me about what it was i was wrong about. I also developed a strong empathy for others who were having difficulty figuring something out, or obviously had something wrong. My favourite was when i kept calling a tomato a potato.

Anonymous said...

my daughter, almost 12, still sees things as a preschooler would. that is, very black and white. no shades of gray, very concrete, empathy is there but limited to her interests.

Anonymous said...

simply ask your child to explain things to you so you can understand him. My sone is scattery thinkin too! sometimes I ask him to slow down for me so I can understand. Tell them they are so very smart I cant keep up. dunno it may help but sometimes you just gotta adjust and they do too!
7 hours ago · Like

Anonymous said...

Yes, I find pace is very important. Have them slow down. Give them some time to express (bodily) happiness or excitement but also other ways (happy dance or a cheer) besides the flapping (turn into clapping). My son gets happy feet. I have to slow him down and ask questions. Timing is hard for him to get so we work on that (too long in the shower, not paying attn to it, too much unstructured time is a problem). Challenges and making it "a game" keeps him motivated as well as learning. Problem solving and creative thinking has quite kicked in yet but we're working on it. He's 7.

tagalong said...

My daughter would do things in school and at home that she should have known were against the rules. I remember having a conference with one of her teachers who said she was doing things in the classroom, and when confronted she would tell the teacher "You didn't say it was against the rules to do that." It seemed she was challenging the teacher by doing things that weren't specifically spelled out as against the rules. At home I asked her once if I needed to spell it out for her, and she said in a loud voice "I know how to spell it out...I-T-O-U-T!" and then ran out of the room. She took things literally and I thought she was talking back.

She could do math problems in her head without figuring them on paper, and that counted against her grade. She ended up getting two honors for a physics engineering degree and getting scholarships to an Ivy league college for her master's in physics.

Cheryl said...

yes to the other person who said ask your son how and what he is thinking. I find NTs don't always get the connections and your son's way of thinking may seem to you to be random and out there, but if you ask him you will probably be able to see the path his brain has taken and it can go down many different paths at seemingly the same time which is why I find it difficult to put this into speech esp. when all connections come at once.

Roz Corrigan said...

My son has aspergers,and the amount of people who think he is a brat or spoilt because of his behaviour is disgraceful,he is bullied at school has no friends,the sad thing is ignorance is bliss andthe amount of people who have no idea or don't want to know about aspergers with all the technology we have today one click away and all the information is there it flustrates me as his mum I can only imagine what it must be like for people with aspergers we should all stick together god bless

Roz Corrigan said...

I have done a lot of course work on aspergers,my son is non verbal which means he doesn't read faces or voices,he doesn't look at people faces so he can't see if they are smiling or cross when talking also he can't read people's body language eg:if the kitchen flooded and I was knee deep in water he won't notice he would say something like mum the wi-fi isn't working!!! That is when we as parents get frustrated but they don't recognise the stress unless we break it down for them ♥

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