
Rebuilding Self-Esteem in Discouraged ASD Teens: Tips for Parents

“Dustin, my son with high functioning autism, recently turned 13. He started back to school this week (8th grade) and we are already having some issues. He still has a hard time engaging with other classmates, his personal hygiene is lacking (e.g. hates to shower or comb his hair), and he’s simply not interested in the current fads or topics of conversation among his peer-group. Now he tells us that he’s being teased by a few kids in his class. Last school year, he 'failed' socially and became completely ostracized from his peer-group and felt a sense of general isolation from everybody. It appears that we are going to have a repeat performance of these issues again this time around. He mostly just stays to himself (playing his digital piano and video games in his room). How can I help my son in this situation? Any advice would be greatly appreciated.” Due to the fact that the adolescent with High-Functioning Autism (HFA) tends to be a loner, develops odd mannerisms, and

Symptoms of Asperger's and High-Functioning Autism that "Look Like" Misbehavior

As parents of children on the autism spectrum know, there are a multitude of symptoms:  physical (e.g., fine and gross motor skills deficits, sensory sensitivities), mental (e.g., attention difficulties), emotional (e.g., shutdowns, meltdowns, obsessions), and social (e.g., problems reading nonverbal language, difficulty understanding sarcasm). However, sometimes it becomes extremely difficult for parents to differentiate between (a) behavior problems and (b) symptoms of the disorder that "look like" behavior problems. For example, the Asperger's or high-functioning autistic child who has an allergy or food sensitivity may be cranky during periods of the day. The child who finds it difficult to transition from one activity to the next may experience a meltdown. The child who has difficulty waiting his turn may throw a tantrum. Thus, we need to learn how to adjust our parenting strategies accordingly.  Sometimes, a consequence for misbehavior is inde

"Best-of" Teaching Strategies for Students on the Autism Spectrum

We're all dealing with the coronavirus currently, but school will be back in session for most of the U.S. eventually. We have compiled a series of articles that will be especially helpful for teachers and home-schoolers who may have a student on the autism spectrum when classes resume. Here, teachers will find nearly everything they need to know to help their "special needs" students be successful - both academically and socially. "Best-of" Teaching Strategies for Students on the Autism Spectrum: Crucial Strategies for Teachers   Problems in Physical Education Classes   Anxiety-Based Absenteeism and School-Refusal Poor Academic Performance Effective Academic Accommodations   Behavior-Management in the Classroom   Capitalizing on Strengths   The Easily Discouraged Student Difficulty with Transitions Skills and Deficits Teaching Social Skills Understanding the Difficult Student Fact Sheet for Teachers How to Create an Effective Behavioral

Problem Behavior in Children and Teens with Asperger's and High-Functioning Autism

If you have tried talking, screaming, punishing, pleading, and negotiating - but your Asperger's or HFA teenager still walks all over you… If you find yourself "walking on eggshells" around your child trying to avoid saying something that will set him off… If you are tired of struggling with a person who is disrespectful, obnoxious, or even abusive toward you in your own home… If you are frustrated and exhausted from constant arguing… Then you will find help here: Parenting System that Reduces Problematic Behavior in Children with Asperger's and High-Functioning Autism