
Being the Target of Teasing, Bullying and Peer-Rejection: Preparing Your ASD Child for the Inevitable

Many parents learn that their child with ASD level 1, or High-Functioning Autism (HFA), is being teased and/or bullied by one of the other students. In some cases, school officials don’t seem to address the problem adequately, thus the “special needs” child is left to fend for himself/herself. Here’s a recent email from a very concerned mother on the matter: “My 12-year-old son has been a target of bullying since the 4th grade. He is fully mainstreamed because he is academically "high functioning". I send him to school for the socialization. However, I am questioning that, because he is only learning that his peers are "not o.k.". He hates school, and is being treated for anxiety and depression. Bullying is constant and "below the radar", being mostly relational. I feel that I send him into a war zone each day. School officials try to address targeted incidents, but are mostly ineffective. Any suggestions on how I can help my son?” Unfortunately

Is your ASD child's "misbehavior" truly deliberate, willful, or manipulative?

Children with High-Functioning Autism often exhibit different forms of challenging behavior. But, are these behaviors willful or malicious? You may be surprised! Resources for parents of children and teens on the autism spectrum :   ==>  How to Prevent Meltdowns and Tantrums in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder ==>  Parenting System that Reduces Defiant Behavior in Teens with Autism Spectrum Disorder ==>  Launching Adult Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder: Guide for Parents Who Want to Promote Self-Reliance ==>  Teaching Social-Skills and Emotion-Management to Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder ==>  Parenting Children and Teens with High-Functioning Autism: Parents' Comprehensive Handbook ==>  Unraveling the Mystery Behind High-Functioning Autism: Audio Book ==>  Crucial  Research-Based  Parenting Strategies for Children and Teens with High-Functioning Autism     More articles for parents of children and teens on the autism spectrum :   S

COMMENTS & QUESTIONS [for July, 2017]

Do you need some assistance in parenting your Aspergers or HFA child? Click here to use Mark Hutten, M.A. as your personal parent coach. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Mark, Just wanted to update you: I have enrolled Ben in the UCLA, evidence-based PEERS social skills training course. I would have never further looked into this or pursued this without your advice and help and I just wanted to take a minute and express my extreme gratitude and appreciation for your help. However, don't think you're off the hook. You are a hidden gem and I know I will need your expertise again soon! Thank you again so much!!! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Hi Mark, I just want to inform you, my son Jeremy and I will be considering moving to the U.S this summer. My parents and three of my siblings have been living in Maryland for the past 20 years. Presently my mom who has been ailing for the past six years has somehow given up and I want to spend some time with her before she passes on. I wa

Best Education Resources for Parents of Children and Teens with Asperger's and High-Functioning Autism

Best education resources for parents of children and teens with Asperger's and High-Functioning Autism: ==> Preventing Meltdowns and Tantrums in Asperger's Children ==> Discipline for Defiant Asperger's Teens ==> Teaching Social Skills and Emotion Management ==> Launching Adult Children with Asperger's: How to Promote Self-Reliance ==> Everything You'll Ever Need to Know About Parenting Asperger's Children ==> Parenting Children and Teens with High-Functioning Autism ==> AudioBook: Unraveling The Mystery Behind Asperger’s and High-Functioning Autism ==> Learn the Behavioral Modification StrategiesUsed by Therapists Who Work withAsperger's and High-Functioning Autistic Children