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ASD and School Behavior Problems

I have a daughter age 6 who was diagnosed with an autism spectrum disorder (unspecified) at age two. She received intensive therapy, 40 hours plus, per week utilizing various techniques. She is now 6. She is extremely friendly to even strangers, her IQ is 133… she is great with the exception of some behavioral problems. She is in first grade and is getting in trouble and being punished regularly for things such a marking on things she should not mark on, refusing to write. I need help.

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Aspergers Teens and Employment


I want to help my child with Aspergers to get employment in the field that he does well at, but there is no one out there who will give him a chance-Help!


The job market can seem like a cold, cruel place. So many individuals are competing for a hand full of jobs, hoping to break into their field of interest. It truly is a rat race. There are things you can do to help your child find his place in the battlefield of employment.

You’ve already given him a good start by encouraging him to find a career that is focused on one of his interests. Individuals with Aspergers (high-functioning autism) can have very strong obsessions. The amount of attention your child places on his obsessions guarantee that he will be extremely knowledgeable in that area. Not only that, the personal involvement makes him intensely happy.

“Developing Talents: Careers for Individuals with Asperger’s Syndrome and High-Functioning Autism-Updated and Expanded Edition” by Temple Grandin and Kate Duffy is an excellent resource to use while planning to help your child find the perfect opportunity. This is a thorough account on employment prospects and opportunities available for individuals with Aspergers.

An internship is a good way to get a foot in the door of a possible employer. Many companies that are under hiring freeze still have work that another person could be doing. By offering time as an intern, your child could receive valuable on-the-job training in his field of interest. It’s true that he wouldn’t be a paid employee, but once that hiring freeze is lifted, he’ll be first in line for the job.

Volunteering is another option. Although not as structured, volunteering is similar to an internship, meaning no pay. Volunteer opportunities can be found in every community. They may not be directly related to his field of interest, but he could learn how to be a good employee in many different situations. Not to mention, the volunteer hours will look really good on his resume.

Do not discredit the idea of your child accepting a job unrelated to his area of interest. Sometimes you have to work up a little bit to that preferred position. A company that does business in his area of interest may have openings in another department. Lateral moves happen all the time. And if it doesn’t, he will have solid work experience to add to his resume when he’s ready to make the jump into his desired field.

Finding employment based on your child’s interest will assure a successful and enjoyable career. These tips and suggestions should get you started building your child’s resume and enabling him to secure the job of his dreams.

Discipline for Defiant Aspergers Teens

Transitioning Aspergers Teens to Adulthood


My son is an adolescent with Aspergers. How do I transition him into adulthood?


No doubt that this is an exciting time in your home. Your youngster with Aspergers (high-functioning autism) has reached the age of college and career. Your hard work has paid off after years of special education, therapy and family support. Congratulations on a job well done!

Now you get to move on to the next phase in life. You’ve given your youngster a good strong foundation and you want to continue to help. If you haven’t yet, researching adult Aspergers is a good place to begin this transition.

As more kids are growing up under the Aspergers diagnosis than ever before, the need for family and community resources are increasing. If you search the Internet, you will find articles, books, videos, and support groups all geared directly to the Aspergers adult.

The video “Asperger: Transition to College and Work” by Coulter Video is a good starting point. This video delivers just what the title suggests practical help for the transition into adulthood.

Once you’ve researched and read up on the basics, find local resources for support and information applicable to your community. Job skills classes, adolescent and/or adult Aspergers support meetings, career counseling, and independent living options can all be found on the local level. Tap into these sources to receive much needed planning assistance and support for both of you.

Encourage your youngster to pursue his dreams. If college seems too overwhelming, suggest a local community college. Your adolescent can live at home, fully supported by family, while obtaining a college degree. Plus, the community college will have disability support services that can be used for additional assistance.

A vocational training school is another option to think about. Close to home, these programs are geared towards adults looking for a career certificate. Computer technology classes, welding, auto repair, and air-conditioning technology are common vocational school possibilities. In less than two years, your adolescent could be certified in an area of interest that also pays well.

The opportunity to live at home and continue the education process will give your adolescent time to make choices and decisions regarding life skills. All the research you do now can be utilized over the years while your adolescent achieves his post-high school goals, giving you both a better transition into the adult years.


He was diagnosed at 6 years old with a non-verbal learning disorder...

I have a 9 year old son with ASD. He was diagnosed at 6 years old with a non verbal learning disorder, and attends a school for children with ADHD and/or autism. As his parent, I feel overwhelmed, scared, frustrated, and completely alone. I am hoping to find other parents who understand the issues we face daily, and who can share thoughts and ideas. I'm really hoping this site might be the life ring that keeps me from drowning!
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Understanding Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder in Children with Autism

Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) is a complex mental health condition that affects individuals of all ages, characterized by persistent, ...