
Anger-Control Strategies for Children and Teens on the Autism Spectrum

If your youngster does not learn how to release his or her anger appropriately, it can fester and explode in inappropriate ways, or be internalized and damage his or her sense of self-worth. As a mother or father, dealing with an angry youngster is inevitable. Many of us have heard our own pre-parenting voice whisper to us, saying something like, “That will never be my child acting-out like that” (famous last words). Anger is learned, but so is composure!

In this post, we will discuss the following:
  • communicating angry feelings in a positive way
  • expressing anger nonviolently
  • learning how to avoid being a victim of someone else's angry actions
  • learning how to control angry impulses
  • learning how to problem solve
  • learning how to remove themselves from a violent or angry situation 
  • learning self-calming techniques
  • recognizing angry feelings in themselves and others

Click here for the full article...


Linda said...

Could you point me to resource suggestions for self-calming ways to help a 14-year-old boy who wants to punch when he gets angry.

pseudonym said...

As my son is getting older at the age of 16 now.I feel at times that he looks very lonely.He would be on his computer most of his time playing games,also he still at school.And works a part time job at our local shop stacking shelfs.He finds it hard at times at his job,but i say to him it will get easier
i am only doing this for him later on in life for another job.My son has mild Aspergers.He still at school and got eight GCSE.He loves playing the guitar.Very smart boy.And we love him i find art and music clams him down.

pseudonym said...

My son now at the age of 16 years old.Stayed on at school getting eight gcses hes very bright lad.On his 16 birthday he got a job stacking shelves at our local shop, he finds his job hard,but hes starting to talk to other people now after working there now for six months.I ask him do you like your job now,but replies back to me i hate it.I am only doing it for his benfit to help him to communicate with other people i do try to explain this to him.He loves playing his guitar and he is very good at it, think this is relaxing for him.Also he loves art spends a lot of time at art and is very good at art.Sometimes i look at him and he looks very on his own.My heart really goes out to him.He loves playing games on the computer and has his friends there chatting away which is great for him.We love our son very much he means the world to us.He has mild asperger.

Glastonburytor said...

My 11 year old gets frustrated every day whrn it comes tim to do his math homework. His teacher tells me he can do the work at school,but at home just jumps up and down and screams he can't do it, what do I do?

Full Spectrum Mama said...

We are finding the combination of puberty and difficulties with naming and processing feelings to be quite a potent one.
This post came at just the right time and I will return to it.
Thank you!

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