
Children on the Autism Spectrum and Peer-Rejection

Studies dealing with the implications of peer-rejection on later development indicate that children with ASD [Asperger's, High-Functioning Autism] experiencing harsh and continuous rejection over the years often reach a stage of despair, a decline in their self-image, loneliness and seclusion, behavioral difficulties, and suffer later from serious emotional disturbances and lack of ability to create meaningful relationships as adults. 


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Interestingly enough I mentioned to our son yesterday that I thought the incident he had in grade 6 with a group of boys who were his buddies and then turned on him at the end of June, was the beginning of a change in him. He, of course, scoffed at this, but I have always thought it had a much bigger impact on him then he ever let on. In the fall of that year, his class moved onto Junior High and the whole social mix changed. He says that he has felt depression since grade 7.  That is the year he began to withdraw from school life and sports bit by bit. We have always supported his friendships in the community by knowing and friending the parents of these kids. But of course we do not really know what goes on at school and how our son interprets things. And he is not one to tell us of things that may have happened at school.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

As an Aspie, I can tell you that the6th grade is when I realized that I wasn't like everyone else and the literature also says that this self awareness usually hits at around age 11. So your son's change tallies with this.

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