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Great Resources for the Management of Young People on the Autism Spectrum

Below is a list of resources for professionals who work with children and adolescents on the autism spectrum:

1.    Afzal N, Murch S, Thirrupathy K, Berger L, Fagbemi A, Heuschkel R. Constipation with acquired megarectum in children with autism.Pediatrics.2003;112 :939– 942
2.    Aman MG, Lam KS, Collier-Crespin A. Prevalence and patterns of use of psychoactive medicines among individuals with autism in the Autism Society of Ohio. J Autism Dev Disord.2003;33 :527– 534
3.    Aman MG, Novotny S, Samango-Sprouse C, et al. Outcome measures for clinical drug trials in autism. CNS Spectr.2004;9 :36– 47
4.    Aman MG. Management of hyperactivity and other acting-out problems in autism spectrum disorder. Semin Pediatr Neurol.2004;11 :225– 228
5.    American Academy of Pediatrics, Committee on Children With Disabilities. Auditory integration training and facilitated communication for autism. Pediatrics.1998;102 :431– 433
6.    American Academy of Pediatrics, Committee on Children With Disabilities. Counseling families who choose complementary and alternative medicine for their child with chronic illness or disability [published correction appears in Pediatrics. 2001;108:507].Pediatrics.2001;107 :598– 601
7.    American Academy of Pediatrics, Medical Home Initiatives for Children With Special Needs Project Advisory Committee. The medical home.Pediatrics.2004;113(5 suppl) :1545– 1547
8.    American Academy of Pediatrics. Understanding Autism Spectrum Disorders [pamphlet]. Elk Grove Village, IL: American Academy of Pediatrics; 2005
9.    American Psychiatric Association. Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 4th Edition, Text Revision (DSM-IV-TR). Washington, DC: American Psychiatric Publishing; 2000
10.    American Speech-Language-Hearing Association, Ad Hoc Committee on Autism Spectrum Disorders. Principles for speech-language pathologists in diagnosis, assessment, and treatment of autism spectrum disorders across the life span. Available Accessed February 22,2007
11.    Amminger GP, Berger GE, Schafer MR, Klier C, Friedrich MH, Feucht M. Omega-3 fatty acids supplementation in children with autism: a double-blind randomized, placebo-controlled pilot study. Biol Psychiatry.2007;61 :551– 553
12.    Anderson SR, Avery DL, DiPietro EK, Edwards GL, Christian WP. Intensive home-based intervention with autistic children. Educ Treat Child.1987;10 :352– 366
13.    Arnold LE, Aman MG, Cook AM, et al. Atomoxetine for hyperactivity in autism spectrum disorders: placebo-controlled crossover pilot trial. J Am Acad Child Adolesc Psychiatry.2006;45 :1196– 1205
14.    Arnold LE, Vitiello B, McDougle C, et al. Parent-defined target symptoms respond to risperidone in RUPP autism study: customer approach to clinical trials. J Am Acad Child Adolesc Psychiatry.2003;42:1443– 1450
15.    Autism and Developmental Disabilities Monitoring Network Surveillance Year 2002 Principal Investigators; Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Prevalence of autism spectrum disorders: Autism and Developmental Disabilities Monitoring Network, 14 sites, United States, 2002. MMWR Surveill Summ.2007;56 :12– 28
16.    BĂ„genholm A, Gillberg C. Psychosocial effects on siblings of children with autism and mental retardation: a population-based study. J Ment Defic Res.1991;35 :291– 307
17.    Ballaban-Gil K, Tuchman R. Epilepsy and epileptiform EEG: association with autism and language disorders. Ment Retard Dev Disabil Res Rev.2000;6 :300– 308
18.    Baranek GT. Efficacy of sensory and motor interventions for children with autism. J Autism Dev Disord.2002;32 :397– 422
19.    Birnbrauer JS, Leach DJ. The Murdoch Early Intervention Program after 2 years. Behav Change.1993;10 :63– 74
20.    Black C, Kaye JA, Jick H. Relation of childhood gastrointestinal disorders to autism: nested case-control study using data from the UK General Practice Research Database. BMJ.2002;325 :419– 421
21.    Bolman WM, Richmond JA. A double-blind, placebo controlled pilot trial of low dose dimethylglycine in patients with autistic disorder. J Autism Dev Disord.1999;29 :191– 194
22.    Bondy A, Frost L. The picture exchange communication system. Focus Autistic Behav.1994;9 :1– 19
23.    Bondy A, Frost L. The picture exchange communication system. Semin Speech Lang.1998;19 :373– 388
24.    Bosch J, Van Dyke C, Smith SM, Poulton S. Role of medical conditions in the exacerbation of self-injurious behavior: an exploratory study. Ment Retard.1997;35 :124– 130
25.    Bostic JQ, Rho Y. Target-symptom psychopharmacology: between the forest and the trees. Child Adolesc Psychiatr Clin N Am.2006;15 :289– 302
26.    Bouma R, Schweitzer R. The impact of chronic childhood illness on family stress: a comparison between autism and cystic fibrosis. J Clin Psychol.1990;46 :722– 730
27.    Bowers L. An audit of referrals of children with autistic spectrum disorder to the dietetic service. J Hum Nutr Diet.2002;15 :141– 144
28.    Bregman JD, Zager D, Gerdtz J. Behavioral interventions. In: Volkmar FR, Paul R, Klin A, Cohen D, eds. Handbook of Autism and Pervasive Developmental Disorders. 3rd ed. Vol II. Hoboken NJ: John Wiley & Sons;2005:897– 924
29.    Brereton AV, Tonge BJ, Einfeld SL. Psychopathology in children and adolescents with autism compared to young people with intellectual disability. J Autism Dev Disord.2006;36 :863– 870
30.    Brown MJ, Willis T, Omalu B, Leiker R. Deaths resulting from hypocalcemia after administration of edetate disodium: 2003–2005.Pediatrics.2006;118(2) . Available
31.    Bruinsma Y, Koegel RL, Koegel LK. Joint attention and children with autism: a review of the literature. Ment Retard Dev Disabil Res Rev.2004;10 :169– 175
32.    Buchsbaum MS, Hollander E, Haznedar MM, et al. Effect of fluoxetine on regional cerebral metabolism in autistic spectrum disorders: a pilot study. Int J Neuropsychopharmacol.2001;4 :119– 125
33.    Buitelaar JK, van der Gaag RJ, van der Hoeven J. Buspirone in the management of anxiety and irritability in children with pervasive developmental disorders: results of an open-label study. J Clin Psychiatry.1998;59 :56– 59
34.    Campbell JM. Efficacy of behavioral interventions for reducing problem behavior in persons with autism: a quantitative synthesis of single-subject research. Res Dev Disabil.2003;24 :120– 138
35.    Canitano R, Luchetti A, Zappella M. Epilepsy, electroencephalographic abnormalities, and regression in children with autism. J Child Neurol.2005;20 :27– 31
36.    Cardinal DN, Hanson D, Wakeham J. Investigation of authorship in facilitated communication. Ment Retard.1996;34 :231– 242
37.    Challman TD, Voigt RG, Myers SM. Nonstandard therapies in developmental disabilities. In: Accardo PJ, ed. Capute & Accardo's Neurodevelopmental Disabilities in Infancy and Childhood: Vol I. Neurodevelopmental Diagnosis and Treatment. 3rd ed. Baltimore, MD: Paul H. Brookes; 2008:721– 743
38.    Cheng-Shannon J, McGough JJ, Pataki C, McCracken JT. Second-generation antipsychotic medications in children and adolescents. J Child Adolesc Psychopharmacol.2004;14 :372– 394
39.    Chez MG, Chang M, Krasne V, Coughlan C, Kominsky M, Schwartz A. Frequency of epileptiform EEG abnormalities in a sequential screening of autistic patients with no known clinical epilepsy from 1996 to 2005.Epilepsy Behav.2006;8 :267– 271
40.    Christison GW, Ivany K. Elimination diets in autism spectrum disorders: any wheat amidst the chaff? J Dev Behav Pediatr.2006;27(2 suppl) :S162– S171
41.    Christodulu KV, Durand VM. Reducing bedtime disturbance and night waking using positive bedtime routines and sleep restriction. Focus Autism Other Dev Disabl.2004;19 :130– 139
42.    Cohen H, Amerine-Dickens M, Smith T. Early intensive behavioral treatment: replication of the UCLA model in a community setting. J Dev Behav Pediatr.2006;27(2 suppl) :S145– S155
43.    Connor DF, Ozbayrak KR, Benjamin S, Ma Y, Fletcher KE. A pilot study of nadolol for overt aggression in developmentally delayed individuals. J Am Acad Child Adolesc Psychiatry.1997;36 :826– 834
44.    Cooley WC. Redefining primary pediatric care for children with special health care needs: the primary care medical home. Curr Opin Pediatr.2004;16 :689– 692
45.    Croen LA, Najjar DV, Ray GT, Lotspeich L, Bernal P. A comparison of health care utilization and costs of children with and without autism spectrum disorders in a large group-model health plan.Pediatrics.2006;118(4) . Available
46.    Dawson G, Osterling J. Early intervention in autism. In: Guralnick MJ, ed. The Effectiveness of Early Intervention: Second Generation Research. Baltimore, MD: Brookes; 1997:307– 326
47.    Dawson G, Watling R. Interventions to facilitate auditory, visual, and motor integration in autism: a review of the evidence. J Autism Dev Disord.2000;30 :415– 421
48.    DelGiudice-Asch G, Simon L, Schmeidler J, Cunningham-Rundles C, Hollander E. Brief report: a pilot open clinical trial of intravenous immunoglobulin in childhood autism. J Autism Dev Disord.1999;29 :157– 160
49.    DeLong R. Children with autistic spectrum disorder and a family history of affective disorder. Dev Med Child Neurol.1994;36 :674– 687
50.    DeMyer MK, Hingtgen JN, Jackson RK. Infantile autism reviewed: a decade of research. Schizophr Bull.1981;7 :388– 451
51.    Dolske MC, Spollen J, McKay S, Lancashire E, Tolbert L. A preliminary trial of ascorbic acid as supplemental therapy for autism. Prog Neuropsychopharmacol Biol Psychiatry.1993;17 :765– 774
52.    Dosreis S, Weiner CL, Johnson L, Newschaffer CJ. Autism spectrum disorder screening and management practices among general pediatric providers. J Dev Behav Pediatr.2006;27(2 suppl) :S88– S94
53.    Dumas JE, Wolf LC, Fisman SN, et al. Parenting stress, child behavior problems, and dysphoria in parents of children with autism, Down syndrome, behavior disorders, and normal development.Exceptionality.1991;2 :97– 110
54.    Eikeseth S, Smith T, Jahr E, Eldevik S. Intensive behavioral treatment at school for 4- to 7-year-old children with autism: a 1-year comparison controlled study. Behav Modif.2002;26 :49– 68
55.    Elder JH, Shankar M, Shuster J, Theriaque D, Burns S, Sherill L. The gluten-free, casein-free diet in autism: results of a preliminary double blind clinical trial. J Autism Dev Disord.2006;36 :413– 420
56.    Eldevik S, Eikeseth S, Jahr E, Smith T. Effects of low-intensity behavioral treatment for children with autism and mental retardation. J Autism Dev Disord.2006;36 :211– 224
57.    Erickson CA, Stigler KA, Corkins MR, Posey DJ, Fitzgerald JF, McDougle CJ. Gastrointestinal factors in autistic disorder: a critical review. J Autism Dev Disord.2005;35 :713– 727
58.    Fankhauser MP, Karumanchi VC, German ML, Yates A, Karumanchi SD. A double-blind, placebo-controlled study of the efficacy of transdermal clonidine in autism. J Clin Psychiatry.1992;53 :77– 82
59.    Findling RL, Maxwell K, Scotese-Wojtila L, Huang J, Yamashita T, Wiznitzer M. High-dose pyridoxine and magnesium administration in children with autistic disorder: an absence of salutary effects in a double-blind, placebo-controlled study. J Autism Dev Disord.1997;27:467– 478
60.    Fombonne E, Chakrabarti S. No evidence for a new variant of measles-mumps-rubella-induced autism. Pediatrics.2001;108(4) . Available
61.    Fombonne E, Zakarian R, Bennett A, Meng L, McLean-Heywood D. Pervasive developmental disorders in Montreal, Quebec, Canada: prevalence and links with immunizations. Pediatrics.2006;118(1) . Available at:
62.    FREE Full Text
63.    Giannotti F, Cortesi F, Cerquiglini A, Bernabei P. An open-label study of controlled-release melatonin in treatment of sleep disorders in children with autism. J Autism Dev Disord.2006;36 :741– 752
64.    Gold C, Wigram T, Elefant C. Music therapy in autistic spectrum disorder. Cochrane Database Syst Rev.2006;(2) :CD004381
65.    Gold N. Depression and social adjustment in siblings of boys with autism. J Autism Dev Disord.1993;23 :147– 163
66.    Goldstein H. Communication intervention for children with autism: a review of treatment efficacy. J Autism Dev Disord.2002;32 :373– 396
67.    Gray C, McAndrew S. My Social Stories Book. London, England: Jessica Kingsley; 2002
68.    Gray DE. Ten years on: a longitudinal study of families of children with autism. J Intellect Dev Disabil.2002;27 :215– 222
69.    Greenspan SI, Wieder S. Developmental patterns and outcomes in infants and children with disorders in relating and communicating: a chart review of 200 cases of children with autistic spectrum diagnoses. J Dev Learn Disord.1997;1 :87– 141
70.    Gupta S, Aggarwal S, Heads C. Dysregulated immune system in children with autism: beneficial effects of intravenous immune globulin on autistic characteristics. J Autism Dev Disord.1996;26 :439– 452
71.    Gupta VB. Complementary and alternative treatments for autism. In: Gupta VB, ed. Autistic Spectrum Disorders in Children (Pediatric Habilitation Series Volume 12). New York, NY: Marcel Dekker; 2004:239– 254
72.    Gutstein SE, Sheely RK. Relationship Development Intervention With Children, Adolescents, and Adults. New York, NY: Jessica Kingsley; 2002
73.    Handen BL, Johnson CR, Lubetsky M. Efficacy of methylphenidate among children with autism and symptoms of attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder. J Autism Dev Disord.2000;30 :245– 255
74.    Handleman JS, Harris SL. Preschool Education Programs for Children With Autism. 2nd ed. Austin, TX: Pro-Ed; 2000
75.    Hardan AY, Jou RJ, Handen BL. A retrospective assessment of topiramate in children and adolescents with pervasive developmental disorders. J Child Adolesc Psychopharmacol.2004;14 :426– 432
76.    Harrington JW, Rosen L, Garnecho A, Patrick PA. Parental perceptions and use of complementary and alternative medicine practices for children with autistic spectrum disorders in private practice. J Dev Behav Pediatr.2006;27 :S156– S161
77.    Harris SL, Handleman JS, Jennett HK. Models of educational intervention for students with autism: home, center, and school-based programming. In: Volkmar FR, Paul R, Klin A, Cohen D, eds. Handbook of Autism and Pervasive Developmental Disorders. 3rd ed. Vol II. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons; 2005:1043– 1054
78.    Hollander E, Dolgoff-Kaspar R, Cartwright C, Rawitt R, Novotny S. An open trial of divalproex sodium in autism spectrum disorders. J Clin Psychiatry.2001;62 :530– 534
79.    Hollander E, Phillips A, Chaplin W, et al. A placebo controlled crossover trial of liquid fluoxetine on repetitive behaviors in childhood and adolescent autism. Neuropsychopharmacology.2005;30 :582– 589
80.    Hollander E, Phillips AT, Yeh CC. Targeted treatments for symptom domains in child and adolescent autism. Lancet.2003;362 :732– 734
81.    Hollander E, Soorya L, Wasserman S, Esposito K, Chaplin W, Anagnostou E. Divalproex sodium vs. placebo in the treatment of repetitive behaviours in autism spectrum disorder. Int J Neuropsychopharmacol.2006;9 :209– 213
82.    Horner RH, Carr EG, Strain PS, Todd AW, Reed HK. Problem behavior interventions for young children with autism: a research synthesis. J Autism Dev Disord.2002;32 :423– 446
83.    Horvath K, Papadimitriou JC, Rabsztyn A, Drachenberg C, Tildon JT. Gastrointestinal abnormalities in children with autistic disorder. J Pediatr.1999;135 :559– 563
84.    Horvath K, Perman JA. Autism and gastrointestinal symptoms. Curr Gastroenterol Rep.2002;4 :251– 258
85.    Howard JS, Sparkman CR, Cohen HG, Green G, Stanislaw H. A comparison of intensive behavior analytic and eclectic treatments for young children with autism. Res Dev Disabil.2005;26 :359– 383
86.    Howlin P, Goode S, Hutton J, Rutter M. Adult outcome for children with autism. J Child Psychol Psychiatry.2004;45 :212– 229
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88.    Hrdlicka M, Komarek V, Propper L, et al. Not EEG abnormalities but epilepsy is associated with autistic regression and mental functioning in childhood autism. Eur Child Adolesc Psychiatry.2004;13 :209– 213
89.    Hyman SL, Levy SE. Introduction: novel therapies in developmental disabilities—hope, reason, and evidence. Ment Retard Dev Disabil Res Rev.2005;11 :107– 109
90.    Ingrassia A, Turk J. The use of clonidine for severe and intractable sleep problems in children with neurodevelopmental disorders: a case series. Eur Child Adolesc Psychiatry.2005;14 :34– 40
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92.    James SJ, Cutler P, Melnyks S, et al. Metabolic biomarkers of increased oxidative stress and impaired methylation capacity in children with autism. Am J Clin Nutr.2004;80 :1611– 1617
93.    Jan JE, Freeman RD. Melatonin therapy for circadian rhythm sleep disorders in children with multiple disabilities: what have we learned in the last decade? Dev Med Child Neurol.2004;46 :776– 782
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96.    Jou RJ, Handen BL, Hardan AY. Retrospective assessment of atomoxetine in children and adolescents with pervasive developmental disorders. J Child Adolesc Psychopharmacol.2005;15 :325– 330
97.    Kagan-Kushnir T, Roberts SW, Snead OC III. Screening electroencephalograms in autism spectrum disorders: evidence-based guideline. J Child Neurol.2005;20 :197– 206
98.    Kasari C, Freeman S, Paparella T. Joint attention and symbolic play in young children with autism: a randomized controlled intervention study. J Child Psychol Psychiatry.2006;47 :611– 620
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101.    Klin A, Volkmar FR. Treatment and intervention guidelines for individuals with Asperger syndrome. In: Klin A, Volkmar FR, Sparrow SS, eds. Asperger Syndrome. New York, NY: Guilford Press; 2000:340– 366
102.    Koegel LK. Interventions to facilitate communication in autism. J Autism Dev Disord.2000;30 :383– 391
103.    Konstantareas MM, Lunsky YJ. Sociosexual knowledge, experience, attitudes, and interests of individuals with autistic disorder and developmental delay. J Autism Dev Disord.1997;27 :397– 413
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110.    Layton TL. Language training with autistic children using four different modes of presentation. J Commun Disord.1988;21 :333– 350
111.    Lee DO. Menstrually related self-injurious behavior in adolescents with autism. J Am Acad Child Adolesc Psychiatry.2004;43 :1193
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114.    Leyfer OT, Folstein SE, Bacalman S, et al. Comorbid psychiatric disorders in children with autism: interview development and rates of disorders. J Autism Dev Disord.2006;36 :849– 861
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116.    Liptak GS, Orlando M, Yingling JT, et al. Satisfaction with primary health care received by families of children with developmental disabilities. J Pediatr Health Care.2006;20 :245– 252
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Crucial Strategies for Parents of Challenging Kids on the Autism Spectrum

    Resources for parents of children and teens on the autism spectrum :   ==> How to Prevent Meltdowns and Tantrums in Children ...