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Noticing "Troubled" Aspergers Students Before Tragedy Occurs

To all parents of children and teens affected by Aspergers and High Functioning Autism:

There is someone who spends almost as much time with your child as you do. But, this person may not understand your child’s disorder and related symptoms. Also, this person may not pick up on subtle signs and signals that a particular child is becoming “troubled.” This person is your child’s teacher.

Make no mistake: I’m not blaming teachers for what happened on 12/14/12 (i.e., the Adam Lanza tragedy). But I strongly believe that one of the most important resources that we have to see to it that nothing like 12/14 ever happens again is our teachers. Even though there is growing awareness about autism spectrum disorders in the educational system, much misinformation and lack of information still exists. And this is where you, the parent, can help.

Please email your child’s teacher(s) with the link to this post…

Advise the teacher(s) that they can download the following eBook once, and then they have permission to print as many copies as they want: Teaching Students With Aspergers & High-Functioning Autism

It is hoped that they will print dozens of copies and disseminate throughout your entire local school system. If you child's teachers have any questions about this offer, please let them know they can email me personally (Mark Hutten, M.A. ==>

If a student with Aspergers or High Functioning Autism is going to deteriorate, this change for the worse usually begins when he or she enters the public school system. So in many ways, our first line of defense against having a “functional” child turn into a “troubled” child is our teachers. They must learn about this disorder and know how to deal effectively with the affected student in the classroom!

Online Parent Support, LLC


Thank you. How generous and kind of you. Truly, i appreciate what you are doing and am touched by your action to reach out and help. Like you, i hope i can help to educate others more about aspergers so that life is a little more manageable for them and so they can learn the skills to overcome challenges, be healthy emotionally, and live a happy and fulfilled life. I am a former elementary school principal and, sadly, aware of how poorly equipped many educators are to deal with such a diverse learner. There are great teachers out there who havent been trained enough. Its hard with the large numbers and demands of other responsibilities. I do understand this, but we have an urgent responsibility and duty to NOT let these students fall through the cracks. My daughter, an aspie, frequently goes unnoticed. She is quiet, well behaved, etc, but the inner, hidden frustration is so very great as she struggles with academics, feeling overwhelmed, not understanding so many things that other students learn naturally just by being immersed in the context and by observation alone. No one really sees this on the surface. 

Another thing that saddens me is the lack of emotional support for all students. Counselors are usually only part time and overloaded. The good ones intervene with students alone and in groups but others work traditionally with whole group classroom lessons and nice but unnecessary schoolwide activities. (the "feel-good stuff!) We need to use our resources, especially our wonderful mental health counselors, more wisely and prioritize our needs. We need funding and involvement that crosses the great divide btwn school and the outside community. Our efforts are oftentimes so disjointed. Just think of what we could do if everyone worked together - psychiatrists, schools, churches maybe,    Psychologists, etc.

Again, i thank you. You are helping a lot of people and the knowledge gained from you will just continue to grow exponentially as it is applied to and shared with others. 

As always, your article/link/mission, both timely and helpful.  Sincerest thanks and spreading the good word.  


•    Anonymous said... And this is why I homeschool!
•    Anonymous said... Hence why school never worked. So, learning at home and in the community it is. And it is wonderful.
•    Anonymous said... Home school all the way! It's not worth putting my son thru the torment of public school. I'll keep him at home to educate him & know what's going on. There fore he won't be bullied be other students & even some teachers.
•    Anonymous said... Home schooling was the best decision we made. I feel so bad for my son cause of what the school put him thru. Made him feel like something is wrong with him shame on them!!!
•    Anonymous said... I agree with protecting your child - i removed mine from public and placed him into private - he's blossomed there and is SO happy to be with kids like him finally!!! He has never tried to stay home ONCE since being in the new school.. I considered home school but I also had to consider his social skills - and keeping him home/sheltered would have been such a detriment to building important life skills that he can only learn while being in school.... Also it's vitally important to ensure the child is receiving a proper education too.... I hope for the child's sake they are receiving tutors if the parents aren't suitable to teach as a certified teacher would. After reading some posts - here and other sites, some parents can't speak proper English - let alone spell it!! So can you IMAGINE what the child is learning - or isn't I should say.... Love your baby first and foremost - the rest will all work out
•    Anonymous said... just reminds me once again why I made the decision to home education my high functioning teenage daughter - one year in secondary school did enough damage that has taken us 9 months to slowly get her to recover from.
•    Anonymous said... My son has the best & most supportive teacher - i believe its up to you as a parent to inform the school & keep in the loop…
•    Anonymous said... One of the reasons I am homeschooling now is the teachers were not interested in understanding my son
•    Anonymous said... Until schools get rid of tenure and can fire bad teachers, our students will suffer (a former teacher who saw too many bad eggs). Luckily our school staff is wonderful, helps him learn social skills and use resources to stop the bullying. But it is still a game of wills if I want to switch teachers mid-year. Luckily he is on the staff's radar.

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