
The Mark Hutten Show: Episode 1


Anonymous said...

Great first show! I'll be looking for info on how to listen live. I think you have a good attitude toward and understanding of the issues that I and so many others live with. As a 55 year old, newly diagnosed Aspie, I need this kind of information to help me make sense of the world. I also have a few good stories about how AS traits can play out as we get older. Thank you so much for what you are doing.

Anonymous said...

Hello! I have been a fan of your ebooks and audio downloads and now also your new show!

Anonymous said...

I am listening to your 1st Mark Hutten show. I love it. It’s so funny. I was just telling my daughter the other day I hate it when people call kids with Aspergers Aspies, but after listening to you I’m good with it. I’m sure not gonna go feed my cat. (I don’t have one either) LOL....I do love your show. Now, I’m listening to it after you were on the air. When are you on the air so I can listen to you live and maybe e-mail a question? Oh and by the way, I have done so much research on Aspergers Syndrome I have actually thought I have it too.

Anonymous said...

Thank you so much Mark for all you do for the families who are struggling to help the ASPIE kid to be the best he can be and to fit into this sometimes cruel world. I really takes and village to raise a child and our faith in GOD. I am so blessed that [my grandson] has a village of people who love,care and want the best for him.

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