
Repetitive Routines and Rituals in Aspergers Kids

Confusion about coping in a world that is overwhelming influences this behavior, so the youngster with AS responds to this uncertainty by being in control of their immediate environment, the objects in that environment, and the people in it. Repetitive motor mannerisms may occur when some kids are excited, anxious, or worried. For others, sensory sensitivities and physical enjoyment may drive repetitive jumping, arm flapping, twiddling of fingers in front of their eyes and covering ears and eyes with their hands.  

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Db2TN said...

This has actually worked in our favor!! My son's reliance on routine helps him get ready for school on time, eat healthy meals, brush his teeth twice a day without fail, etc. He is a teenager now, and still does experience some stress when we're out of routine, but has matured and is learning to handle it better as he grows older - we do try to give as much advance notice as we can for changes, which helps him adjust. I find myself being glad for routine, which is soothing with some of the other bumps we sometimes have to endure!

Anonymous said...

Its because of your awesome web-site emails and videos that we don't have the meltdowns that we once did. I understand my son much more. THANK-YOU !

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