
Helping Your Child Deal with Stress

"How can I help my little man (high functioning autistic) reduce his stress. He's usually excessively concerned about many things. Currently his main stressor is worrying about a week long summer camp coming up soon (but after that, it will be something else)."

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Anonymous said...

This seems appropriate if your child's stress isn't too large. My aspie cannot bring himself to be in the classroom with the other students, and when we try to get him in there, he flips out into hysterics. Now what? Patience? Yes. Keep trying? Yes? Magic answer? Hmmm. How long does a parent keep trying to get the student into the classroom before the negative experiences leave a lasting impact on the child?

Parenting Aspergers Children - Support Group said...

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Karen Vega we work on this daily for my two boys on the spectrum.
5 hours ago · Like

Stacy Tudor Mitchell But when the stress is so severe that a child cannot participate in the classroom due to anxiety, then what?
3 hours ago · Like

Maggie Moody Walker ‎^Stacy, we have a plan in place that if my daughter gets to stressed with anxiety, she has a room to go to in the school where she can decompress. It could be anywhere really, the principals office, another teachers room or the bathroom, etc. As long as they know where she is going, they are completely fine with it. It has worked really well in the past for us. Hope that helps : )
49 minutes ago · Like

Anonymous said...

My 9 year old has been diagnosed with High Function Autism and SPD. Everyone I turn around she screams when one of in the family come behind her, not to scare just walking by or if she just so happens to turn around and notice we are there she screams. Im afraid of scaring her to death. I not that's impossible but has anyone dealt with this situation! My daughter has alot of tantrums, but she seems to act differently at home than at school. Anyone else experiencing this?

Anonymous said...

My 14 yr old Aspie..flips in a school he 's now homebound at the library..negativty is there because of bad past experiences..that now he hates school..We are at a lose ourselves' I wish there were somewhere for him to be better ed.My fear ,he is becomeing more nosocial than ever.Where dose this lead us as a family.?

Anonymous said...

My daughter has developed OCD due to stress and anxiety, we are starting CBT next week so I really hope it helps as she is also struggling to participate in lessons. She has a timeout pass aswell that enables her to leave a lesson and recover in a quiet room but i worry about how much education she is missing out on. She is a bright girl and should do well if we can get her confidence up and stress levels down.

Anonymous said...

With all the info I have read via the net...while it is helpful to know that I am not the only one struggling to find answers for my child...I can't take it anymore. My kid is stressed out! Why? Because society expects these youngsters to suck it up so to speak. We don't expect blind people to walk tightropes, yet we expect aspies or autistics to adapt to everyday normal life. My kid hasn't been diagnosed even, yet I don't need a doctor to tell me what he has. I don't need a teacher to reaffirm what I already know. My baby is suffering, and I am not waiting around for people " to get it". He has gifts to offer to this world, just doesn't need this extra stress of trying to do it the way society expects.

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