
Aspergers 101: The Basics

Essential Aspergers Information That All Parents And Teachers Need To Know:


Anonymous said...

Hello Mark,

Thank you so much for your warm welcome. I search the internet for very specific issues and have managed to get much of it from your site. My son, Sam, is 12 years old and in the 6th grade and was diagnosed with Asperger's 4 years ago. He is a gifted student with extraordinary math, science & language arts ability. He has tourettes and OCD and although had been diagnosed with anxiety from the beginning, we didn't see it as we do this year. He has recently been diagnosed with depression and generalized anxiety which has caused him to lose complete interest in learning in his public school setting. He has literally gone from making the High Honor roll 2 years in a row to just hanging on to D's and a few F's. And this is with my strong support with homework.

We thought we were lucky enough to have dodged the bullet so many other parents had been confronted with. This school year things seem to go from bad to impossible! It is a total nightmare, not only for him but for us. And of course, no matter how hard you try to explain to the school that he is not rude, in fact he doesn't have a rude bone in his body, they just see this disrespectful child who isn't trying and is lazy. Which until this school year, everyone would tell me what an awesome kid he was, and I that I know he still is.

The school was very understanding at first, my only goal at first was to physically get him to school and hopefully not have to receive up to 6 phone calls per day from him crying and begging me to pick him up. He has missed close to 30 days this year in total. Now that he is in school, he's expected to focus, try harder, take fewer breaks and be polite. It's become too much for him and I feel like no one cares.

Our school district is among the least compliant or helpful when it comes to special services, this has been told to me by various advocacy groups as well as legal consultants. We are trying to get him reclassified, they changed him from an IEP to a 504 at the beginning of the year and it's just not enough anymore. He needs to be in a place where he is understood and appreciated for the amazing kid that he is.

I read Asperger's Students and School Anxiety and it has been very helpful. Any other information that you can provide to me explaining the difficulties an Asperger's child has in school, would be greatly appreciated.

Jeremy said...

Sadly, we are going through EXACTLY the same thing with our 11 (12 in July) yr. old son.

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