My soon to be 12 year old has ADHD. But now we are suspecting ASD. We wonder if it could be one or the other - or both. Is this possible? How can we tell the difference? He and I butt heads because he will not stay on task for chores unless I stand over him, and even then can't seem to get it together. He gets angry if asked/told he needs to do chores. And no, none of them are that hard, and he will admit that after a long painful, drawn out affair.
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Understanding the Social Challenges Faced by Teens with ASD: The Battle for Acceptance
Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) often navigate a complex social landscape filled with myriad challenges that can profoundly imp...

Fixated Personality -- The fixated personality type can be characterized by a preoccupation with orderliness, perfectionism, and the n...
Below you will find the majority of symptoms associated with High-Functioning Autism (HFA), also referred to as Asperger’s. The HFA chil...
“I have a 9 year old son with [high functioning] autism. My main issue with him is that he is sooooo easily annoyed at EVERY THING! Inc...