
He was diagnosed at 6 years old with a non-verbal learning disorder...

I have a 9 year old son with ASD. He was diagnosed at 6 years old with a non verbal learning disorder, and attends a school for children with ADHD and/or autism. As his parent, I feel overwhelmed, scared, frustrated, and completely alone. I am hoping to find other parents who understand the issues we face daily, and who can share thoughts and ideas. I'm really hoping this site might be the life ring that keeps me from drowning!
Click here for more information on NLD... 


Anonymous said...

Reading this article I completely relate. My only regret with my daughter is not working more when she was younger to help her with her social skills. I focused a lot on making sure her academics did not suffer. It seemed ok until she started middle school last year. She is now in a teen Social Skills group outside of school and already I see a difference. She has gained some impulse control and has more confidence around her peers. I can't stress how important it is to help them develop these skills. I know some parents choose to home school but I always feared that would handicap her for life socially. We won't be here forever to protect them.

Anonymous said...

Oh, you are in the right place! This is a wonderful support group and the parents here truly understand. My son was diagnosed with Asperger's at the very end of 3rd grade, 9 years old, after struggling through school. He is only 11 now, 6th grade -- brilliant, but quirky! Every day there is a new surprise, a new challenge. I am one who celebrates all that he is -- I don't see this as a disability, it is an extraordinary difference. Still, not easy, not for a minute. ♥

Anonymous said...

My daughter is truly a delight and it sounds like your son is as well! Meeting more children like her I think in some ways they are more free than we are because they appear to be absent of ego or malice. School is tough for every kid. You have to be their advocate and guide them. I won't always be here, I want her to stand on her own and shine.

Anonymous said...

I just wish I could get some support, The process for us is still very raw and we have to wait 13 months for a full assessment but as of now he is showing development and behavioural issues and red flags towards Aspergers and I am at my wits end, all they could say was " keep doing what you are doing"..Im ready for breaking down, cant keep going like this!

Anonymous said...

Is anyone here from Staten Island maybe we could all meet for coffee some where.
Yesterday at 10:27am · Like

Sorry Im from the UK.
Yesterday at 10:29am · Like

Anonymous said...

I can so relate to this article, thanks for posting. Never hear of NLD, sounds so much like my 9 year old son. Having him tested for ADHD this month. Having him in a main stream class room is the worst!! and he is the only aspie at his school!! So not much knowlege at the school where he goes.
23 hours ago · Like

Anonymous said...

This is a really helpful site.

Anonymous said...

My dd is 13 and dx NVLD in 4th grade, I have been finding that sooo many of the articals on here for AS have been very helpfull for her as there isn't much out there for nvld support specifically. She is in a social skills class this year at school which is really helping.

Anonymous said...

My son is 8 and they have a great program in his school to help with social skills; we reinforce empathy at home as well. This is a very good group and if you can find meet ups or other parent groups in your area, it can be very helpful to share ideas and tips... or just vent.

Anonymous said...

I can so relate to this... my son is in 2nd grade, not yet diagnosed with anything in particular (besides Kaiser's lovely diagnosis of "Apergers-like-traits"), but has had extreme behavior and social issues since starting Kindergarten. He is SUCH an awesome, funny, smart little kid - until you get him around other kids. It is so hard dealing with this... I feel very alone sometimes because many people just don't understand.
about an hour ago · Like

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