
Aspergers Teens: Drug Abuse and Addiction

Whether you are a parent, grandparent or any other person who cares about an Aspergers child's future, it is important that you be knowledge about how to prevent drug abuse. It's hard for us to imagine that an Aspergers child we love could end up using drugs. But chances are, many Aspergers children will be faced with, "Should I, or shouldn't I?" As parents we must teach our kids to know that the answer is, "I shouldn't, and I won't."

If you suspect your Aspergers teen has been using drugs or drinking alcohol, it's important to act quickly: the longer your teen abuses substances, the more likely they are to become addicted. If you do find the problem is beyond your expertise, there are teen drug treatment programs that specialize in the special needs of this population.

Be especially scrutinizing as you determine the drug rehab program that meets your Aspergers child's specific needs.

Chemical dependency in Aspergers teens is a treatable condition. The first goal of treatment is abstinence. The chemically dependent child must stop using alcohol or drugs. This sometimes requires a period of medical detoxification.

Once alcohol and/or drug use is stopped, Aspergers teens may honestly feel that they have the desire and ability to remain sober. This period can last days, weeks or months before cravings (the obsessive pressure to use) return. To reduce the risk of a relapse, the Aspergers teen must address personal problems and life issues related to the chemical dependency.

Some of those issues are addressed in group therapy, individual counseling sessions, educational lectures, and discussion groups in chemical dependency treatment. The therapy process helps chemically dependent teens obtain the insight and skills needed to understand and deal with problems associated with their alcohol and drug use. They learn to deal with their problems from a psychological, emotional, and spiritual perspective as well as from a physical perspective. After treatment, personal problems and other major life issues can be handled at a higher level of functioning.

Treatment for chemical dependency is available in residential settings, in outpatient centers, and now online.


Long Island drug rehab said...

Did you know that a stressful lifestyle can also lead to drug addiction?

Anonymous said...

My son is heavily into smoking cannabis, and when he dosen't have any money has has found people who will give it to him knowing he will have to find the money and pay them back, they know he wants it so they are constantly dangling it in his face as they want to sell it, he is very honest most of the time and nearly always tells me what is going on, lies alot, but we normally always get the truth after a very servere meltdown. He cannot take the pressure of what is going on in his life, if he owes money and can't pay it back when he not working, he goes into meltdowns and they are getting worst, spitting, tearing his clothes off, screaming, with your help lately I have been able to talk him down and keep him calm.

He doesn't seem to be able to say no and dosen't even think about the consequences, my dad and me have been paying his debts as his mental health seems at risk when he is out of control, I am so worried some one is going to call the police and they take him away and section him under the mental health act as he looks so crazy and out of control.

We are constantly telling him that we can't afford to go on this way, but that seems to put more pressure on him and we get the meltdown, so we have stopped doing that.

We don't know which way to go, we have had him in a drug rehabalition Centre but that didn't work as they saw his meltdowns as violet and threatening and threw him out.

He says the cannabis keeps him calm, we have never had him on any medication, so believe he is self medicating with cannaibs as I am sure it does keep him calm and helps him sleep at night, however he doesn't seem to be able to regulate himself or control the impluse when someone wants to get rid of it and is dangling it in his face.

I thought if we took the worry and the stress away from him, it would help, it does, but he keeps putting himself back there and is been heavily influenzed by his so called friends who are just after his money.

Unknown said...

Sounds like my son...did you find a solution?

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