
Suitable Careers for Adults with Aspergers

Because adults with Aspergers (High-Functioning Autism) have normal to high intelligence, they often go into some very interesting and lucrative careers when they get older. In many cases, the field they enter is related to one or more of those things they were fixated on as a child. For example, if an Aspergers child has a fixation on the weather, he or she can think about a career in meteorology.

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Anonymous said...

I really admire what you just said
Here are my facts:
I am a 19 year old girl with Aspergers
I just dropped out of college
I really want to help people and want a career that supports this
I hate the asperger stereotypes
I'm thinking of doing a career in social care
I completely relate to your situation

About Me said...

I'm the parent of an 11-year-old boy with Aspergers, and I'd be extremely proud if he followed in your steps alpinekodiak. One of the things I love about my son is that he is a very caring person and has a keen sense of justice. That sense of justice is just as much a characteristic of Aspergers as being a science nerd (no offence intended to all you scientists out there!) Good on you.

TimeTravellingGirl said...

I was wondering about good jobs for me. I have Asperger's, anxiety and a bit of OCD as well. (Not an uncommon combination, but the disorders don't go well together). I am not very good with animals, and not all that good at math either. Though I am interested in some aspects, I don't think I'd be able to be anything in a science field. There is too much math. (Also, to enter a university or college course, you have to have high marks in advanced math courses, which I don't think I am capable of achieving). I am in grade 11 at school, and they starting to talk about jobs. I really I'm stuck. I am bad at math and don't have the best social skills either. What is a job that doesn't require either?

Special Interest; I do special interests, but they are either:

-Something I am interested in, but not very good at (like cats)

-Something that doesn't have a skill attached to it (like a musician/musical group)

Anonymous said...

I seriously think half my professors in college were somewhere on the spectrum. Computers is a good interest to have though!

Anonymous said...

IT is definitely filled with Aspies... very little social interaction and they can control their environment to a great extent....I would encourage him to follow his interest! Look at Steve Jobs! My mother read his biography and is sure he was Aspie! :)

Anonymous said...

I had the same concern's. My son is finishing his first year of college and it has been a struggle. But we learned alot. He is talking computer's as well.

Anonymous said...

My son is in year 7 & wants to be an accountant,he plans on going to uni.going to support him all the way & so hope his dreams come true.

Anonymous said...

My son is going on 12 and his interest is still Pokemon. Yikes!

Anonymous said...

my husband has a/s +o,c,d+a,d,h,d,his passion in life is trasvel and transport,he is a bus/coachdriver and very happy,his twin also has a/s ,she writes books,non fiction,had many published,other a/s in family have careers in accountancy/concervation/nursing/breeding and showing cats and dogs to high leval,just follow your dream,

Anonymous said...

my boys 12 & hes still into pokemon,moshi monsters & ps3 games lol x

Anonymous said...

My son is 10 going on 30. He too is consumed by Pokemon which drives us all crazy! If the subject on Mastermind was Pokemon, he would win hands down. But, I have high hopes for him in anything he chooses to do. He will need a lot of support and encouragement, but as long as he has a keen interest in it, he will do well. I'm sure most of the consultants I've dealt with have A.S.! Jeanne

Anonymous said...

if his only interst is commputer a nd he is good at it,then he must go for career in it,with my aspergers family,husband/in laws and daughters,the only careers that work are the ones that are thier special interst/obsessuin,my husband adores transport and he is a bus driver,sister in law her obsession is animals,so she ran a zoo and wrote books on animals,very successfully,when my family have followed qualifications or money ,its not worked,but if they follow thier obsession it will work,

Anonymous said...

This question always puzzles me.

Although Asperger children are in many ways different to others, when choosing a career the approach should be the same: Follow your passions. Follow your interests. Recognise your strengths and weaknesses and choose a career that fits.

Use your common sense when guiding your child and don't steer them into a career choice just because someone said it was "well suited to Aspies".

Anonymous said...

my husbands family were horrified he wanted to be bus driver,so bullied him into college and work in the city,he hated it,but his family thought as he is so intelligent that bus driving was not good enough,but finaly he got his wish in middle age,yes they are very bright and clever,but often they need rigid timetable and to work alone,so we have found in our aspergers family if they follow thier dream and not money or qualifications,then all is good,our oldest a/s daughter went with her head and not her heart,ended up in high powered job and had total breakdfown,so as they all have different hobbys and obsessions its different for every one,but most in our family work in transport/animal welfare/conservation/accountancy/I T ,so let them follow thier dream,
about an hour ago · Like

Rose said...

I'm a 24 almost 25 y.o. Aspie in th middle of a job crisis. Might I suggest that ur son could help make pokemon one day or even organize fan events in the not too distant future. Obsession is v. Common amongst Aspies & it may b phase that will pass (like me & Yoshi) or a true interest that he'll hav throughout his life. But encourage him to participate in events & to b creative. It is never too early to work towards employment with Aspies. Because creating & experimenting is something we long for (hence video games). I only wish I had done so when I was younger 2 b better prepared 4 now.

Cecilia from California said...

My son is 17 years old and is entering his senior year. He loves and is good at Math and Science, and wants to be an Engineer. He does not get good grades in school due to his anxiety, disorganization skills, and due to his lack of being able to bounce back when there is a drawback in his life (i.e. out of school sick for 8 days, wallet stolen, cell phone stolen, etc.). My son, my husband and I met with an instructor and director (both are engineers and with Phds.)of the Engineering program at Cal State Long Beach in order for my son to decide which field of engineering he was more interested in. You should have seen his excitement (sarcasm: they really do not show it) when we walked through the classrooms and the labs. What was interesting was that the instructor was observing him the whole time while she was talking to all of us. She mentioned the look in his eyes when he was looking at the equipment for electrical engineering projects. I was amazed at her observation and my son agreed with her observation. I had already disclosed the fact that my son has a diagnosis of Autistic Disorder (AD)and I mentioned that he is higher functioning. The 2 Drs. were very supportive and instructed us as to what to look for in a good Engineering program and school. They seemed genuinely interested in my son's best interest regarding our concerns about his post secondary education and his unique needs. When we left my son commented that they gave him a lot of good information and that he looks forward to his senior year. I knew he would want to do something related to Math or Science and he can have both together. My hope is that he will do better in his college classes since they will be ones that he likes and is good at.

So, this is another way to help your child to get an idea as to what they want to do. Have them visit a college or university. Have them talk to their teachers about the subjects, my son likes talking to his math, science and physics teachers. Find your child's strengths, his/her interests build on it to find a career that they can connet it to. Make sure they are talking to their counselor and that you as the parent are also communicating with them. It took a while before they took my son seriously that he wanted to go to college, since he has an IEP and does not get very good grades they thought that he would not be a college bound student. This can be a problem with students with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) and Apserger's Syndrome (AS). Teachers and school staff have low expectation for our children, therefore our children will also have low expectation of themselves.

Sorry, during my posting I mentioned ASD and AD, due to the fact that my son received his diagnosis through regional center and he had speech and language delay (due to chronic ear infections). That is why his diagnosis is not Asperger's Syndrome, but has similaar diffficulties.

Unknown said...

I am 21
Male with Asberger's
Fit the stereotypes
Had and still have trouble fitting in
Most people have not quite understood my problem
Been bullied, diagnosed with depression and PTSD
School has become difficult, work as well
Struggling to figure out my career
A POSITIVE is publishing poetry and standing up for the rights of others
Most are intolerant, especially a camp director and a former teacher
Many things in life have become difficult, but it is tough work.
Had trouble with a college because of it
For the most part, had trouble simply fitting in
Once you accept it, it becomes easier to function in life
It should never be seen as a weakness

Unknown said...

I have similar problems with Andrew Nagel
I'm right now at the age of 21 and feel this way is very complicated. I dropped out of my College when I was 19,
I then started again studying another subject which is very easier since I enjoyed science studies during my schools. But I'm on medication currently for my depression and social anxiety, ever harmed myself but it didn't hurt at all. But the College pointed out this case as a dangerous reasons to put me in this College, then they decided to not assess me, difficult to make friends from the start, always sat alone with one larger table, my friends were in group sat together, it seemed like I was kind of disgusting things. Friends look at me as a weird kid. What did I need to make friends? They are not my happiness. I can stand on my own. I hate college, I did everything slowly and had no passion to listen ti the lectures, but daydreamed instead. I dropped out of college for the second time. I have no clues where I need to go then. I'm really shy to face my family at home. I have tried to join in some science groups to at least learn from them, but they refused me. I sent many emails fro advices to the Autism and ASD Service, but it gave nothing.

I really need helps, otherwise. I hope anyone who read my comments, could then give me advices and helps.

Unknown said...

Don't give up. Give it time. Your gifts will show and money will follow

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