
The Gift of Aspergers

Children with Aspergers (high functioning autism) and their families spend a great deal of time focused on the needs or limitations of the affected child. However, children with Aspergers also have abilities that many children do not. It is important that families talk about the strengths and abilities that "Aspies" do have.

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Anonymous said...

My son (who is 14) is artistically and musically gifted. These talents help him with his self-esteem and help define who he is in a positive way.

Anonymous said...

My son who is 16 is also artistic.

Anonymous said...

Every evening I tell my son all the things he has done that day that make me proud. And I ask if he is proud of himself. I use very specific events so he will be more likely to continue those behaviors. I haven't had a night when i couldn't find something to praise him for.

Anonymous said...

Julian is very smart.. He has an iq of 99.

Anonymous said...

Attention to detail.

Anonymous said...

My son is 9 and is a human calculator! He is brilliant when it comes to math. He gets it even when no one has taught him. Amazing.

Anonymous said...

Would have to say his imagination... Amazing ♥

Anonymous said...

My daughter, who is 14 is a talented musician. She can play just about any band instrument you put in her hands and has only had formal teaching on one single instrument!

Anonymous said...

My 10yo son is the kindest kid I know. He also has a deep love for animals. All he wants out of life is peace and fairness (and ice cream...) He is extremely smart and I know he will contribute a lot to society during his lifetime. I think we'd all be a lot better off if more people thought like aspies:)

Anonymous said...

My 12yr old son has a deep love for animals as well, he is gifted in playing the drums..all he has to do is hear a song a few times and he can play it. Amazing .

Anonymous said...

My son (who is 10) is gifted e.g. in math and orienteering. He always knows his location. When he was about three or four years old, he knew the names of the streets.

Unknown said...

My 13 year old Aspie has a way with animals and babies. They just love him! He is amazing at history and often likes to stump us on unusual facts lol.

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