
Promoting Independence in Adolescence: Help for Aspergers Teens

The teen years can be difficult whether or not your child has Asperger's. In situations where he does, however, there are special challenges that differ depending on the youngster. Some moms and dads find themselves dealing with a teen who is a loner, who has few friends, and focuses on one or more hobbies. This type of youngster is independent in some ways, but lacks the maturity to truly be independent in life.

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Anonymous said...

Promoting independence should be a life long thing. Why wait to start teaching them until teen years? Start early.

Unknown said...

i have been trying to socalize my 14yr old. the other day we went to my mother inlaws and had some friend stop by. it was the frist time i actually got him to goin in a big group and really participate without running for the hills. after about 2 hrs our guest had left and things seemed to be going well. my husband had been working night shift so he took a nap in his old room while his mom and i cleaned up. selena my 3yr old daughter was playing with bruce like normal when he started becoming very aggitated. fortunatly he came to me and was trying to express himself when he lost it he grabbed ahold of me and started shaking me. then he froze it was as if he didnt realize what he was doing. this was one of the lighter of his melt downs but it was progress because he was able to regroup and come back. i dont know what more i can do to help him. he is taller and much stronger then i it does scare me. but we will continue to move foward and work at it

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