
"Aspie" Anger Control

Children with Aspergers and High-Functioning Autism easily can have as much of a problem controlling their anger as other children. Because children and teens with Aspergers have difficulty understanding emotions and their impact on others, however, they often have more difficulty than other children reigning in their anger.

In addition, teens with Aspergers aren’t living in a void in which they don’t understand that they’re different from other kids. Often teased by their peers, they can have incipient anger they don’t understand and can’t easily control.

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•    Anonymous said... As the saying goes "if you've seen one kid with autism you've seen one kid with autism". They are all different just as neuro-typical kids are. The daycare our son was at starting noticing issues with transitions at 2 yrs old. Had him evaluated at home and they saw no issues because he was at home. Long story short the daycare kept us informed and said he would not do well in the 3yr old class due to its size and structure. Had him evaluated again by having a doc give us forms for all his caretakers old and new daycare to fill out including us. He narrowed it down to aspergers or ADHD. Tried rydalin for one day and it sent him over the edge (which it will do if you are not ADHD) Been in speech and OT ever since then and we take courses and read up as well and he's doing beautifully. Can still see the asperger issues but they are getting milder all the time.
•    Anonymous said... I am blessed, I have enough ASD myself that I "get it" when my 15 yr old totally goes Bonkers over NOTHING! We have to work to find the triggers, hard since they don't often Share what they feel. They really do have a Reason for their explosions, We just don't always know what the reason is! Hard work developing communication so we can understand their reasons, but its worth the work!
•    Anonymous said... its all just trial and error. You'll have periods of regression and then again of progressio just don't give up, ull find what works for ur family.
•    Anonymous said... Mine def has explosive anger and he is 5...
•    Anonymous said... mine does, at the drop of a dime.
•    Anonymous said... Mine doesn't get upset about anything. He gets a little ticked sometimes but never angry explosive. He is very mellow in fact. Does that mean he doesn't have AS?
•    Anonymous said... Mine is also quite explosive.
•    Anonymous said... Mine sure does and often about the dumbest/weirdest things!
•    Anonymous said... My 8 year old has for years with nothing helping so far.
•    Anonymous said... seems trivial to you - but not to your asperger's child. To them, expectations and perceptions are different than they are to you. It is difficult to think on their level. I almost lost my daughter a few times because of her outbursts, but she is learning and maturing and it is getting easier. Good luck!
•    Anonymous said... this sounds like the methods we are using with our son too. He's only 7 & it's only just begun to improve, but it's so great to read your post & hear how well it's worked for your son at 15, gives me hope! His sensory & social difficulties 1st became apparent around age 2, w/ diagnosis starting at age 4. Up until last summer we had never discussed with him what his diagnosis were or what they meant. He had a bad meltdown at a store one day & as much as I tried to hold it together, when the clerk got in his face & scolded him (making the meltdown escalate drastically of coarse), I LOST it! Ended up yelling at the clerk & blurting out "my son has Autism & thanks to you this meltdown is about to get a thousand times worse! In the future please keep your comments & opinions to yourself unless you know for sure what you're dealing with!" Needless to say, I felt awful later (once I calmed down & got him to a safe place) for lashing out at that complete stranger! But...it turned out to be a blessing in disguise! Since he had heard every word I said to her, he asked "mommy what is Autism & am I going to be ok?" The dreaded question & praying I could answer it correctly... We talked for a while about it & that seemed to be a turning point for him! It helped him understand why he feels the way he feels sometimes & that has helped him deal with those feelings. We never allow it to be an excuse for bad behavior, & there are always consequences when that happens, I think accountability for actions is very important because that is "the real world". A few months later, I heard him explain (as best he could) to a Neuro typical child that he had something called Autism & that's why he needed a break away from them to calm down! Priceless!

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living among aliens said...

i've learned anger management in a very unpredictable way. i learned kickboxing. i didnt know it, but kicking and punching bags while thinking about things that angered me and then stopping when the instructor told me to helped me control my rage attacks.
i often felt anger as a child without knowing why. it confused me and made me sad.
a rage attack makes a person with asperger syndrome lose control and that person might attack someone much bigger without worrying about the consequences, including legal ones.
i've attacked two men twice my size by trying to slam a heavy suitcase into one's head and the other between the legs. the first one ducked and the other stepped back. i drew my hand back in order to throw the suitcase forward - my motor skill are terrible - the men were frightened. they saw who they were dealing with and walked away.
in my defense i can say one of them put his hands on me indecently while the other laughed after the stumbled out of the alley, dead drunk.
but it wasnt self defense, either, because they walked away and i ran after them, went around them, blocked their way, and almost killed one. the heavy suitcase would've killed him.
i'm very strong and from what i've read on the internet and in forums many aspies are stronger than the average.
an aspie rage attack is caused by constant bullying, feeling of alienation, inability to put frustration into words and not knowing any other strategies.
a rage attack is scary to the person who gets it. it makes one feel like he/she is lost in a red fog, the top on one's head feels hot, the heart beats faster, one may not remember what he's done afterward. it makes you feel out of control. you feel yourself moving and have no control over your arms and legs.
i took sick feral cats to the vet and paid with money i barely have. i asked the neighbor's wife if they need any help after her husband has gone blind because of a genetic disease. i'm not a psychopath. i care about people. i never lose my self control with small children or animals and dont snap at the slightest provocation.
if not provoked, i dont have rage attacks.
one thing that can help, though, is to prepare for a case in which one is bullied, and work out strategies of dealing with it, like walking away, for instance.
i even wrote in my blog what it feels like to have a rage attack. i described rage attacks and what it's like for an aspie kid to grow up surrounded by aliens.

Anonymous said...

My son everyday fly's off the handle at me. It can be depressing at times. School only sees one side. I am thinking of video taping him so the school can see how he is at home.

Anonymous said...

my Asperger's son is also diagnosed with intermittent explosive disorder but i'm told that can be due to the frustrations and extra stresses in connection with too much sensory stimuli as well as miscommunication/missing some non-verbal cues.
and yes, things seem trivial to you but to them it's a whole lot more of an issue because of all the above mentioned, it's triple the stress and triple the frustration :(

Anonymous said...

you can get some change in the at home behavior by giving him the chance to de-stress by allowing him time to himself as a routine, when he comes home he gets to de-stress with 1 30 minute episode of a cartoon he enjoys or 30 minutes of video game playing or reading or some other thing that he enjoys. at first it'll be change and difficult to get him to come back to homework or chores or other tasks, a timer may help, one that rings about 1 minute or two before time actually runs out so he learns that the ring means it's time to be done/pick up before time runs out. I'm at the point with my son where it's much easier now than it used to be but the time to himself without stress "refreshes" him and he's in a much better mood and better able to deal with other stressful demands.

Anonymous said...

My daughter does, it helps at therapy;)

Unknown said...

I am a girl. I am high functioning 39 year old adult with ASDD. My mom didn't know about autistic spectrum disorders and I was called Retarded and bipolar posibaly disassociative and anti social. I think it is happy/good when I can relate to an opinion without needing to have a normie explain what ___ means (ie kiss it better - you just need a hug? WTF!) I am going to share your words they describe me better than I cany self, your post is an accurate and beautifully expressed description. I dont usually feel a need to leave a comment. But you put into words what I am inside but never defined for others properly. Thank you.

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