
Calming Products for Aggravated Kids on the Autism Spectrum

It’s common for kids with high-functioning autism and Asperger's to express themselves physically when they are aggravated and don’t have enough words to say what they want or need. Fortunately, there are some things parents can do to calm such a child. Here are our top 6 products (based on parents' reviews) to calm children on the autism spectrum: MORE TOOLS FOR PARENTS: ==> Social Stories in Video Format for Kids on the Autism Spectrum ==> Best Social Stories for Kids on the Autism Spectrum   ==> Visual Supports ==> Sensory Tools ==> Educational Ideas ==> Self-Soothing Ideas ==> Tools to Develop Fine and Gross Motor Skills ==> One Little Trick to Help Kids on the Spectrum Sleep Longer & Deeper at Night & During Naps  ==> Timing Devices to Help with Transitions ==> Home-Based Social Skills Training: CDs and DVDs ==> Calming Products for Kids on the Spectrum